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Bill: HB23-1006
Title: Employer Notice Of Income Tax Credits
VotesVotes all Legislators
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
Intro Date01/09/2023
DescriptionConcerning the notice requirements of employers regarding income tax credits, and, in connection therewith, requiring employers to notify employees of the availability of the federal earned income tax credit, the state earned income tax credit, the federal child tax credit, and the state child tax credit.
HistoryBill History
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Bill Subject- Fiscal Policy & Taxes
Bill DocsBill Documents
Sponsors (House and Senate)House:

T. Exum Sr. (D)
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (09/07/2023)
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Custom Summary

Current law requires an employer to provide its employees with an
annual statement showing the total compensation paid and the income tax
withheld for the preceding calendar year. The bill requires an employer
to also provide, within a week before or after providing the statement and
in the same manner as the statement is provided, written notice of the
availability of the federal and state earned income tax credits and the
federal and state child tax credits. The written notice must be in English
and any other language the employer uses to communicate with
employees and must include any additional content that the department
of revenue prescribes.

House Sponsors
Senate SponsorsT. Exum Sr. (D)
House CommitteeBusiness Affairs and Labor
Senate CommitteeBusiness, Labor and Technology
StatusGovernor Signed (03/31/2023)

Bill: HB23-1030
Title: Prohibit Direct-hire Fee Health-care Staff Agency
VotesVotes all Legislators
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
Intro Date01/09/2023
DescriptionConcerning a prohibition against requiring compensation to a health-care staffing agency if a contracted health-care facility hires the health-care staffing agency's employee as a permanent employee of the health-care facility.
HistoryBill History
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Bill Subject- Health Care & Health Insurance
- Labor & Employment
Bill DocsBill Documents
Sponsors (House and Senate)House:
M. Soper (R)
E. Sirota (D)
N. Hinrichsen (D)
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (05/16/2023)
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Custom Summary

The bill prohibits a supplemental health-care staffing agency
(staffing agency) from including in a contract or agreement with a
health-care worker, nursing care facility, or assisted living residence a
provision for liquidated damages, employment fees, or other
compensation to be paid to the staffing agency if the nursing care facility
or assisted living residence hires the health-care worker as a permanent
employee either prior to or after the termination of the contract or
A staffing agency that violates the prohibition commits a civil
infraction and is subject to a monetary penalty. Further, for repeated or
willful violations, the executive director of the department of labor and
employment may impose monetary or administrative penalties against the
staffing agency.

House SponsorsM. Soper (R)
E. Sirota (D)
Senate SponsorsN. Hinrichsen (D)
House CommitteeHealth and Insurance
Senate CommitteeBusiness, Labor and Technology
StatusGovernor Signed (05/01/2023)

Bill: HB23-1035
Title: Statute Of Limitations Minimum Wage Violations
VotesVotes all Legislators
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
Intro Date01/09/2023
DescriptionConcerning the statute of limitations for a violation of minimum wage laws.
HistoryBill History
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Bill Subject- Courts & Judicial
- Labor & Employment
Bill DocsBill Documents
Sponsors (House and Senate)House:
M. Soper (R)
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (05/16/2023)
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Custom Summary

The bill specifies that actions brought for violations of minimum
wage laws must be commenced within 2 years after the cause of action
accrues or, for a willful violation, within 3 years after the cause of action

House SponsorsM. Soper (R)
Senate Sponsors
House CommitteeJudiciary
Senate Committee
StatusHouse Committee on Judiciary Postpone Indefinitely (02/14/2023)

Bill: HB23-1045
Title: Employee Leave For Colorado National Guard Service
VotesVotes all Legislators
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
Intro Date01/09/2023
DescriptionConcerning leave from employment for state military service.
HistoryBill History
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Bill Subject- Military & Veterans
Bill DocsBill Documents
Sponsors (House and Senate)House:
G. Evans (R)
N. Hinrichsen (D)
B. Pelton (R)
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (09/05/2023)
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Custom Summary

The bill clarifies that a member of the Colorado National Guard or
any other component of the military forces of the state who is an officer
or employee of a public employer is entitled to a leave of absence from
employment for training or active state military service for the equivalent
of 3 weeks of work on the officer's or employee's regular work schedule
each year. The officer or employee is entitled to use any paid leave
available to the officer or employee or to use unpaid leave.
The bill clarifies that a member of the Colorado National Guard or
the reserve forces of the United States who is an employee of a private
employer is entitled to a leave of absence from employment in order to
receive military training with the United States armed forces for the
equivalent of 3 weeks of work on the employee's regular work schedule
each year. The employee is entitled to use any paid leave available to the
employee or to use unpaid leave for the employee's period of absence for
military training.
The bill clarifies that a private employee is entitled to use any paid
leave available to the employee or to use unpaid leave in order to engage
in active service in the Colorado National Guard.

House SponsorsG. Evans (R)
Senate SponsorsN. Hinrichsen (D)
B. Pelton (R)
House CommitteeState, Civic, Military and Veterans Affairs
Senate CommitteeState, Veterans and Military Affairs
StatusGovernor Signed (03/10/2023)

Bill: HB23-1118
Title: Fair Workweek Employment Standards
VotesVotes all Legislators
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
Intro Date01/24/2023
DescriptionConcerning fair workweek employment standards.
HistoryBill History
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Bill Subject- Labor & Employment
Bill DocsBill Documents
Sponsors (House and Senate)House:
E. Sirota (D)
F. Winter (D)
J. Gonzales (D)
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (05/11/2023)
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Custom Summary

The bill imposes requirements for certain types of employers with
regard to:
  • The determination of employee work schedules;
  • Employee requests for changes to work schedules; and
  • Notices and posting of employee work schedules.
In addition to pay for hours worked by the employee, the bill
requires certain types of employers to pay employees:
  • Predictability pay when an employer makes certain changes
to an employee's work schedule;
  • Rest shortfall pay when an employee is required to work
hours without a minimum period of rest after a prior shift;
  • Retention pay when an employer provides work hours to a
new employee without first offering the work hours to
existing employees; and
  • Minimum weekly pay in an amount that corresponds to
15% of the average weekly hours indicated on the
employee's anticipated work plan, paid at the greater of the
employee's regular rate of pay or the minimum wage,
regardless of whether the employee works such hours.
The bill prohibits employers from discriminating or taking any
adverse action against an employee based on the hours an employee is
scheduled or actually works, the expected duration of employment, or the
employee's desired work schedule. The bill also prohibits retaliation
against an employee for attempting to exercise any right created in the
bill. Employers are required to retain records demonstrating their
compliance with the requirements of the bill.
A person who is aggrieved by a violation of the requirements of
the bill may file a complaint with the division of labor standards and
statistics (division) in the department of labor and employment or bring
a civil action in district court. The division is authorized to investigate
complaints and, upon determining that a violation occurred, to impose
fines, penalties, or damages and award attorney fees and costs. The
division is also authorized to bring a civil action to enforce the
requirements of the bill. The bill includes protections for whistleblowers
and establishes penalties for violations.
The director of the division is required to promulgate rules to
implement the bill.

House SponsorsE. Sirota (D)
Senate SponsorsF. Winter (D)
J. Gonzales (D)
House CommitteeBusiness Affairs and Labor
Senate Committee
StatusHouse Committee on Business Affairs & Labor Postpone Indefinitely (03/02/2023)

Bill: SB23-017
Title: Additional Uses Paid Sick Leave
VotesVotes all Legislators
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
Intro Date01/10/2023
DescriptionConcerning the addition of qualifying uses of paid sick leave, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
HistoryBill History
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Bill Subject- Labor & Employment
Bill DocsBill Documents
Sponsors (House and Senate)Senate:
F. Winter (D)
J. Willford (D)
J. Joseph (D)
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (07/25/2023)
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Custom Summary

The bill allows an employee to use accrued paid sick leave when
the employee needs to:
  • Care for a family member whose school or place of care
has been closed due to inclement weather, loss of power,
loss of heating, loss of water, or other unexpected
occurrence or event that results in the closure of the family
member's school or place of care; or
  • Grieve, attend funeral services or a memorial, or deal with
financial and legal matters that arise after the death of a
family member.

House SponsorsJ. Willford (D)
J. Joseph (D)
Senate SponsorsF. Winter (D)
House CommitteeBusiness Affairs and Labor
Senate CommitteeBusiness, Labor and Technology
StatusGovernor Signed (06/02/2023)

Bill: SB23-040
Title: Staffing Agency CAPS Checks
VotesVotes all Legislators
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
Intro Date01/12/2023
DescriptionConcerning a requirement that staffing agencies perform a CAPS check when providing employees who will work with at-risk adults.
HistoryBill History
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Bill Subject- Human Services
Bill DocsBill Documents
Sponsors (House and Senate)Senate:

Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (06/28/2023)
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Custom Summary

Under current law, when an employer is going to hire a person to
work in a position in which the person has contact with at-risk adults, the
employer must perform a check of the system that contains substantiated
claims of mistreatment against an at-risk adult (CAPS check). The bill
requires a staffing agency that provides employees who will have contact
with at-risk adults to perform a CAPS check and to provide the results to
the employer.

House Sponsors
Senate Sponsors
House CommitteePublic and Behavioral Health & Human Services
Senate CommitteeHealth and Human Services
StatusGovernor Signed (03/10/2023)

Bill: SB23-046
Title: Average Weekly Wage Paid Leave Benefits
VotesVotes all Legislators
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
Intro Date01/12/2023
DescriptionConcerning the calculation of a covered individual's average weekly wage for paid family and medical leave benefits.
HistoryBill History
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Bill Subject- Labor & Employment
Bill DocsBill Documents
Sponsors (House and Senate)Senate:
F. Winter (D)
M. Duran (D)
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (05/15/2023)
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Custom Summary

Current law specifies that a covered individual's weekly paid
family and medical leave benefit is determined based on the individual's
average weekly wage earned during the covered individual's base period
or alternative base period from the job or jobs from which the covered
individual is taking paid family and medical leave, which excludes from
the calculation recent wages from previous jobs. The bill eliminates the
limit on calculating the benefit based on the average weekly wage earned
only from the job or jobs from which the individual is taking paid family
and medical leave.

House SponsorsM. Duran (D)
Senate SponsorsF. Winter (D)
House CommitteeBusiness Affairs and Labor
Senate CommitteeBusiness, Labor and Technology
StatusGovernor Signed (03/23/2023)

Bill: SB23-058
Title: Job Application Fairness Act
VotesVotes all Legislators
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
Intro Date01/17/2023
DescriptionConcerning required disclosures of age-related information on job applications, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
HistoryBill History
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Bill Subject- Labor & Employment
Bill DocsBill Documents
Sponsors (House and Senate)Senate:
J. Danielson (D)
S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
J. Willford (D)
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (07/12/2023)
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Custom Summary

Starting July 1, 2024, the bill prohibits employers from inquiring
about a prospective employee's age, date of birth, and dates of attendance
at or date of graduation from an educational institution on an employment
An employer may request an individual to verify compliance with
age requirements imposed pursuant to or required by:
  • A bona fide occupational qualification pertaining to public
or occupational safety;
  • A federal law or regulation; or
  • A state or local law or regulation based on a bona fide
occupational qualification.
The department of labor and employment (department) is charged
with enforcing the requirements of the bill and may issue warnings and
orders of compliance for violations and, for second or subsequent
violations, impose civil penalties. A violation of the restrictions does not
create a private cause of action. The department is directed to adopt rules
regarding procedures for handling complaints against employers.

House SponsorsJ. Willford (D)
Senate SponsorsJ. Danielson (D)
S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
House CommitteeBusiness Affairs and Labor
Senate CommitteeBusiness, Labor and Technology
StatusGovernor Signed (06/02/2023)

Bill: SB23-105
Title: Ensure Equal Pay For Equal Work
VotesVotes all Legislators
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
Intro Date01/31/2023
DescriptionConcerning the implementation of measures to ensure equal pay for equal work, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
HistoryBill History
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Bill Subject- Labor & Employment
Bill DocsBill Documents
Sponsors (House and Senate)Senate:
J. Buckner (D)
J. Danielson (D)
J. Bacon (D)
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (06/06/2023)
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Custom Summary

Current law authorizes the director of the division of labor
standards and statistics in the department of labor and employment
(director) to create and administer a process to accept and mediate
complaints, to provide legal resources concerning alleged wage inequity,
and to promulgate rules as necessary for this purpose. The bill changes
these authorizations to requirements.
Additionally, the bill requires the director to:
  • Investigate complaints or other leads concerning wage
  • Upon finding of a violation, order compliance and relief;
  • Promulgate rules to enforce the bill.
The bill also requires an employer to:
  • For each job opportunity or promotional opportunity where
the employer is considering more than one candidate,
follow specific guidelines for posting the opportunity;
  • For all job opportunities and promotional opportunities,
provide specific information to employees regarding the
candidate selected for the opportunity; and
  • For all objectively defined career progressions, disclose the
requirements for career progression and the terms of
compensation, benefits, status, duties, and access to further

House SponsorsJ. Bacon (D)
Senate SponsorsJ. Buckner (D)
J. Danielson (D)
House CommitteeState, Civic, Military and Veterans Affairs
Senate CommitteeBusiness, Labor and Technology
StatusGovernor Signed (06/05/2023)
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