
Lobbyist Filings for Bill: SB25-128

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Title Agricultural Worker Service Providers Access Private Property
Bill Status Introduced In House - Assigned to Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources
Vote Link House and Senate Votes

Note: Lobbying content is updated nightly.

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  Row # Lobbyist Name (link goes to SOS site) Client Name (link goes to SOS site) Position Start Date End Date
back to top 1 Capitol Focus, LLC COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF WHEAT GROWERS Supporting 02/13/2025 Current
back to top 2 Gates, Landon COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF WHEAT GROWERS Supporting 02/13/2025 Current
back to top 3 Herzberg, Brock COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF WHEAT GROWERS Supporting 02/13/2025 Current
back to top 4 Colorado Legislative Strategies COLORADO FARM BUREAU Supporting 02/11/2025 Current
back to top 5 LAYTON, MELANIE M. COLORADO FARM BUREAU Supporting 02/11/2025 Current
back to top 6 VORTHMANN, GARIN COLORADO FARM BUREAU Supporting 02/11/2025 Current
back to top 7 Ascent Strategies, LLC COLORADO SUGARBEET GROWERS ASSOCIATION Supporting 02/10/2025 Current
back to top 8 Red Rocks Strategies, LLC Colorado AFL-CIO Amending 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 9 Sloan & Associates Public Affairs Colorado Agricultural Aviation Association Supporting 02/26/2025 Current
back to top 10 Gall, Amanda Leigh Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger Monitoring 03/06/2025 Current
back to top 11 Grant, Kristopher F Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger Monitoring 03/06/2025 Current
back to top 12 Hodge, Adeline Elisabeth Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger Monitoring 03/06/2025 Current
back to top 13 Meridian Public Affairs LLC Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger Monitoring 03/06/2025 Current
back to top 14 Capitol Focus, LLC Colorado Cattlemen's Association Supporting 02/13/2025 Current
back to top 15 Gates, Landon Colorado Cattlemen's Association Supporting 02/13/2025 Current
back to top 16 Herzberg, Brock Colorado Cattlemen's Association Supporting 02/13/2025 Current
back to top 17 Capitol Focus, LLC Colorado Corn Growers Association Supporting 02/13/2025 Current
back to top 18 Gates, Landon Colorado Corn Growers Association Supporting 02/13/2025 Current
back to top 19 Herzberg, Brock Colorado Corn Growers Association Supporting 02/13/2025 Current
back to top 20 Miller, Timothy Colorado Farm Bureau Supporting 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 21 Wood, Andrew T. Colorado Farm Bureau Supporting 02/11/2025 Current
back to top 22 Woodhouse, Caroline Colorado Farm Bureau Supporting 02/11/2025 Current
back to top 23 HB Strategies Colorado Fruit & Vegatable Growers Association Supporting 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 24 Hackenberger, Carrie Colorado Fruit & Vegatable Growers Assocition Supporting 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 25 J. Andrew Green & Assoc., Inc. Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Supporting 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 26 Neimond, Kevin Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Supporting 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 27 GOFF, ERIN E Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association Supporting 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 28 HACKENBERGER, MICKI M Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association Supporting 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 29 LaBriola, Lisa Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association Supporting 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 30 Lo, Elizabeth Colorado Fruit and Vegatable Growers Supporting 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 31 Michael Best Strategies Colorado Livestock Association Supporting 02/14/2025 Current
back to top 32 Skiles, Wesley Colorado Livestock Association Supporting 02/14/2025 Current
back to top 33 McCarthy, Danny Colorado Plaintiff Employment Lawyers Association Opposing 02/27/2025 Current
back to top 34 Mendez, Barkis and Associates Colorado Plaintiff Employment Lawyers Association Opposing 02/27/2025 Current
back to top 35 Mendez, Barkis and Associates Colorado Public Health Association Opposing 03/03/2025 Current
back to top 36 Pitlik, Amy Colorado Public Health Association Opposing 03/03/2025 Current
back to top 37 Capitol Focus, LLC Colorado Wool Growers Association Supporting 02/13/2025 Current
back to top 38 Gates, Landon Colorado Wool Growers Association Supporting 02/13/2025 Current
back to top 39 Herzberg, Brock Colorado Wool Growers Association Supporting 02/13/2025 Current
back to top 40 Hicks & Associates GreenCO Supporting 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 41 Mendez, Barkis and Associates GreenLatinos Opposing 02/26/2025 Current
back to top 42 Mendez, Florangel M GreenLatinos Opposing 02/26/2025 Current
back to top 43 Long, Rebecca Hunger Free Colorado Opposing 02/26/2025 Current
back to top 44 Park, Chae Weon Hunger Free Colorado Opposing 02/26/2025 Current
back to top 45 Rose, Anya Fisher Hunger Free Colorado Opposing 02/25/2025 Current
back to top 46 Siegel Long Public Affairs, LLC Hunger Free Colorado Opposing 02/26/2025 Current
back to top 47 Capitol Focus, LLC POLITICAL ACTION TRUST AND COMMITTEE Supporting 02/05/2025 Current
back to top 48 Gates, Landon POLITICAL ACTION TRUST AND COMMITTEE Supporting 02/05/2025 Current
back to top 49 Herzberg, Brock POLITICAL ACTION TRUST AND COMMITTEE Supporting 02/05/2025 Current
back to top 50 Burow, Jackson Rocky Mountain Farmers Union Supporting 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 51 Garrett, Tyler Rocky Mountain Farmers Union Supporting 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 52 SIEGEL, CAROLYN Towards Justice Monitoring 03/06/2025 Current
back to top 53 Siegel Long Public Affairs, LLC Towards Justice Monitoring 03/06/2025 Current
back to top 54 Westrick, Paul Towards Justice Opposing 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 55 Ordelheide, Melissa Beth Voces Unidas Amending 02/27/2025 Current
back to top 56 SIEGEL, CAROLYN Voces Unidas Monitoring 03/10/2025 Current
back to top 57 Siegel Long Public Affairs, LLC Voces Unidas Action Fund Monitoring 03/10/2025 Current
back to top 58 Colorado Legislative Strategies Western States Ranches LLC Supporting 03/04/2025 Current
back to top 59 LAYTON, MELANIE M. Western States Ranches LLC Supporting 03/04/2025 Current
back to top 60 VORTHMANN, GARIN Western States Ranches LLC Supporting 03/04/2025 Current
back to top 61 Wood, Andrew T. Western States Ranches LLC Supporting 03/04/2025 Current
back to top 62 Woodhouse, Caroline Western States Ranches LLC Supporting 03/04/2025 Current
back to top 63 SIEGEL, CAROLYN Voces Unidas Amending 02/27/2025 03/10/2025
back to top 64 Siegel Long Public Affairs, LLC Voces Unidas Action Fund Amending 02/27/2025 03/10/2025
back to top 65 Siegel Long Public Affairs, LLC Towards Justice Amending 02/27/2025 03/06/2025
back to top 66 Beezley, Jordan Colorado Department of Agriculture n/a 02/01/2025 02/28/2025
back to top 67 Red Rocks Strategies, LLC Colorado AFL-CIO Opposing 02/08/2025 02/27/2025
back to top 68 SIEGEL, CAROLYN Towards Justice Opposing 02/07/2025 02/27/2025
back to top 69 Siegel Long Public Affairs, LLC Towards Justice Opposing 02/07/2025 02/27/2025
back to top 70 Ordelheide, Melissa Beth Voces Unidas Opposing 02/10/2025 02/27/2025
back to top 71 SIEGEL, CAROLYN Voces Unidas Opposing 02/10/2025 02/27/2025
back to top 72 Siegel Long Public Affairs, LLC Voces Unidas Action Fund Opposing 02/10/2025 02/27/2025
back to top 73 Capitol Focus, LLC COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF WHEAT GROWERS Monitoring 02/10/2025 02/13/2025
back to top 74 Gates, Landon COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF WHEAT GROWERS Monitoring 02/10/2025 02/13/2025
back to top 75 Herzberg, Brock COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF WHEAT GROWERS Monitoring 02/10/2025 02/13/2025
back to top 76 Capitol Focus, LLC Colorado Cattlemen's Association Monitoring 02/10/2025 02/13/2025
back to top 77 Gates, Landon Colorado Cattlemen's Association Monitoring 02/10/2025 02/13/2025
back to top 78 Herzberg, Brock Colorado Cattlemen's Association Monitoring 02/10/2025 02/13/2025
back to top 79 Capitol Focus, LLC Colorado Corn Growers Association Monitoring 02/10/2025 02/13/2025
back to top 80 Gates, Landon Colorado Corn Growers Association Monitoring 02/10/2025 02/13/2025
back to top 81 Herzberg, Brock Colorado Corn Growers Association Monitoring 02/10/2025 02/13/2025
back to top 82 Capitol Focus, LLC Colorado Wool Growers Association Monitoring 02/10/2025 02/13/2025
back to top 83 Gates, Landon Colorado Wool Growers Association Monitoring 02/10/2025 02/13/2025
back to top 84 Herzberg, Brock Colorado Wool Growers Association Monitoring 02/10/2025 02/13/2025
back to top 85 Riester, Jefferey Colorado Department of Law n/a 01/01/2025 01/31/2025

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