
Lobbyist Filings for Bill: HB25-1241

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Title Public Accessibility of Emissions Records
Bill Status House Committee on Energy & Environment Refer Amended to Appropriations
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Note: Lobbying content is updated nightly.

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  Row # Lobbyist Name (link goes to SOS site) Client Name (link goes to SOS site) Position Start Date End Date
back to top 1 ORF, Dianna ASSOCIATED GOVERNMENTS OF NORTHWEST COLORADO (AGNC) Opposing 02/21/2025 Current
back to top 2 Cook, Mariah Catherine Adams County Regional Economic Partnership Opposing 03/13/2025 Current
back to top 3 Hanfling, Josh Adams County Regional Economic Partnership Opposing 03/13/2025 Current
back to top 4 Sewald Hanfling Public Affairs Adams County Regional Economic Partnership Opposing 03/13/2025 Current
back to top 5 Sewald, R.D. Adams County Regional Economic Partnership Opposing 03/13/2025 Current
back to top 6 Wolf, Kathryn American Council of Engineering Companies of Colorado Monitoring 02/26/2025 Current
back to top 7 Capitol Focus, LLC American Petroleum Institute Opposing 02/25/2025 Current
back to top 8 Gates, Landon American Petroleum Institute Opposing 02/25/2025 Current
back to top 9 Griesmer, Timothy American Petroleum Institute Opposing 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 10 Herzberg, Brock American Petroleum Institute Opposing 02/25/2025 Current
back to top 11 Schwartz, Kait American Petroleum Institute Opposing 02/25/2025 Current
back to top 12 Orf & Orf PC Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado Opposing 02/21/2025 Current
back to top 13 Orf, Richard Benedict Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado Opposing 02/21/2025 Current
back to top 14 Capitol Success Group Black Hills Corporation Amending 03/04/2025 Current
back to top 15 Wagner Morgan Strategies, LLC Black Hills Corporation Amending 03/03/2025 Current
back to top 16 Copeland, Cindy Boulder County Supporting 03/03/2025 Current
back to top 17 Attwood Public Affairs CEMEX Construction Materials South, LLC Opposing 02/25/2025 Current
back to top 18 August Policy Strategies CEMEX Construction Materials South, LLC Opposing 02/25/2025 Current
back to top 19 Colorado Municipal League COLORADO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE Supporting 02/21/2025 Current
back to top 20 Colorado Legislative Strategies COLORADO OIL & GAS ASSOCIATION Opposing 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 21 LAYTON, MELANIE M. COLORADO OIL & GAS ASSOCIATION Opposing 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 22 VORTHMANN, GARIN COLORADO OIL & GAS ASSOCIATION Opposing 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 25 Berry, Travis David COMCAST Monitoring 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 26 CHASE, SCOTT M COMCAST CABLE COMPANY Monitoring 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 27 Politicalworks COMCAST CABLE COMPANY Monitoring 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 28 Cornerstone Government Affairs, Inc. CRH Americas Opposing 02/23/2025 Current
back to top 29 Davisson, Megan Elizabeth CRH Americas Opposing 02/23/2025 Current
back to top 30 Driscoll, Jim CRH Americas Opposing 02/22/2025 Current
back to top 31 Lasseur, Lucy CRH Americas Opposing 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 32 Wishner, Juliet CRH Americas Opposing 02/23/2025 Current
back to top 33 GOFF, ERIN E Civitas Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 34 HACKENBERGER, MICKI M Civitas Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 35 HB Strategies Civitas Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 36 Hackenberger, Carrie Civitas Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 37 J. Andrew Green & Assoc., Inc. Civitas Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 38 LaBriola, Lisa Civitas Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 39 Lo, Elizabeth Civitas Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 40 Neimond, Kevin Civitas Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 41 Capitol Focus, LLC Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association Opposing 03/05/2025 Current
back to top 42 Gates, Landon Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association Opposing 03/05/2025 Current
back to top 43 Herzberg, Brock Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association Opposing 03/05/2025 Current
back to top 44 Gold Dome Access, LLC Colorado Asphault Paving Association Opposing 03/06/2025 Current
back to top 45 Gold Dome Access, LLC Colorado Association of Municipal Utilities Opposing 02/21/2025 Current
back to top 46 Capitol Focus, LLC Colorado Chamber of Commerce Opposing 02/20/2025 Current
back to top 47 Dollar, Meghan Colorado Chamber of Commerce Opposing 02/19/2025 Current
back to top 48 FURMAN, LOREN RACHEL Colorado Chamber of Commerce Opposing 02/19/2025 Current
back to top 49 Gates, Landon Colorado Chamber of Commerce Opposing 02/20/2025 Current
back to top 50 Herzberg, Brock Colorado Chamber of Commerce Opposing 02/20/2025 Current
back to top 51 Michael Best Strategies Colorado Livestock Association Opposing 02/14/2025 Current
back to top 52 Skiles, Wesley Colorado Livestock Association Opposing 02/14/2025 Current
back to top 53 Stauffer, Heather LaVon Colorado Municipal League Supporting 02/21/2025 Current
back to top 54 Raemdonck, Dieter Colorado Natural Gas Monitoring 02/27/2025 Current
back to top 55 Recht Kornfeld, P.C. Colorado Natural Gas Monitoring 02/27/2025 Current
back to top 56 Rogers, Thomas M Colorado Natural Gas Monitoring 02/27/2025 Current
back to top 57 Wood, Andrew T. Colorado Oil & Gas Association Opposing 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 58 Woodhouse, Caroline Colorado Oil & Gas Association Opposing 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 59 Angie Binder Colorado Petroleum Association Opposing 02/18/2025 Current
back to top 60 August Policy Strategies Colorado Press Association Monitoring 02/17/2025 Current
back to top 61 MARCHUN, MARY E Colorado Rural Electric Association Opposing 02/21/2025 Current
back to top 62 The Capstone Group, LLC Colorado Rural Electric Association Opposing 02/21/2025 Current
back to top 63 Ward, Taylor Blake Colorado Rural Electric Association Opposing 02/27/2025 Current
back to top 64 BALCEROVICH, STEVE Colorado Rural Water Association Monitoring 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 65 Coleman Legislative Advocacy LLC Colorado Rural Water Association Monitoring 02/25/2025 Current
back to top 66 McCarthy, Danny Colorado Sierra Club Supporting 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 67 Mendez, Barkis and Associates Colorado Sierra Club Supporting 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 68 Clark, Jacob Andrew Colorado Springs Utilities Opposing 02/19/2025 Current
back to top 69 Means, Nicole Colorado Springs Utilities Opposing 02/19/2025 Current
back to top 70 Cook, Mariah Catherine Colorado Women's Chamber of Commerce Opposing 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 71 Sewald Hanfling Public Affairs Colorado Women's Chamber of Commerce Opposing 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 72 Peetz, Elizabeth A Comcast Monitoring 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 73 James, Tykee Eric Conservation Colorado Supporting 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 74 Long, Rebecca Conservation Colorado Supporting 03/03/2025 Current
back to top 75 Ordelheide, Melissa Beth Conservation Colorado Supporting 03/03/2025 Current
back to top 76 Siegel Long Public Affairs, LLC Conservation Colorado Supporting 03/03/2025 Current
back to top 77 Coleman Legislative Advocacy LLC Delta Montrose Electric Association Monitoring 02/26/2025 Current
back to top 78 BALCEROVICH, STEVE Delta Montrose Rural Electric Association Monitoring 02/25/2025 Current
back to top 79 PENN, JENNIFER L. Denver Metro BOMA (Building Owners & Managers Association) Monitoring 03/06/2025 Current
back to top 80 BRANDEBERRY MCKENNA PUBLIC AFFAIRS Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce Opposing 02/25/2025 Current
back to top 81 BRANDEBERRY, JENIFER Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce Opposing 02/25/2025 Current
back to top 82 MCKENNA, JULIE Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce Opposing 02/25/2025 Current
back to top 83 Steinemann, Mollie Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce Opposing 02/25/2025 Current
back to top 84 InterMountain Corporate Affairs E-470 PUBLIC HIGHWAY AUTHORITY Monitoring 02/18/2025 Current
back to top 85 The Kenney Group EVRAZ North America Opposing 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 86 HACKETT, ERIN EVRAZ Rocky Mountain Steel Opposing 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 87 Kemp, Megan Earthjustice Supporting 03/04/2025 Current
back to top 88 Allen, Jamee Lynn FREEPORT-MCMORAN COPPER AND GOLD, INC. Amending 02/15/2025 Current
back to top 89 Raemdonck, Dieter GCC of America Opposing 02/26/2025 Current
back to top 90 Recht Kornfeld, P.C. GCC of America Opposing 02/26/2025 Current
back to top 91 Rogers, Thomas M GCC of America Opposing 02/26/2025 Current
back to top 92 BALCEROVICH, STEVE Grand Valley Power Monitoring 02/18/2025 Current
back to top 93 Coleman Legislative Advocacy LLC Grand Valley Power Monitoring 02/18/2025 Current
back to top 94 Mendez, Barkis and Associates GreenLatinos Supporting 03/05/2025 Current
back to top 95 Mendez, Florangel M GreenLatinos Supporting 03/05/2025 Current
back to top 96 Gold Dome Access, LLC HF Sinclair Opposing 02/14/2025 Current
back to top 97 GOFF, ERIN E ICSC Monitoring 02/18/2025 Current
back to top 98 HACKENBERGER, MICKI M ICSC Monitoring 02/18/2025 Current
back to top 99 HB Strategies ICSC Monitoring 02/18/2025 Current
back to top 100 Hackenberger, Carrie ICSC Monitoring 02/18/2025 Current
back to top 101 J. Andrew Green & Assoc., Inc. ICSC Monitoring 02/18/2025 Current
back to top 102 LaBriola, Lisa ICSC Monitoring 02/18/2025 Current
back to top 103 Lo, Elizabeth ICSC Monitoring 02/18/2025 Current
back to top 104 Neimond, Kevin ICSC Monitoring 02/18/2025 Current
back to top 105 Wilkins, Andrea Kay League of Women Voters of Colorado Supporting 03/01/2025 Current
back to top 106 BALCEROVICH, STEVE Mountain Parks Electric Inc. Monitoring 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 107 Coleman Legislative Advocacy LLC Mountain Parks Electric Inc. Monitoring 02/24/2025 Current
back to top 108 GOFF, ERIN E NAIOP Colorado Monitoring 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 109 HACKENBERGER, MICKI M NAIOP Colorado Monitoring 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 110 HB Strategies NAIOP Colorado Monitoring 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 111 Hackenberger, Carrie NAIOP Colorado Monitoring 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 112 J. Andrew Green & Assoc., Inc. NAIOP Colorado Monitoring 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 113 LaBriola, Lisa NAIOP Colorado Monitoring 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 114 Lo, Elizabeth NAIOP Colorado Monitoring 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 115 Neimond, Kevin NAIOP Colorado Monitoring 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 116 Howes, Christopher Daniel National Waste and Recycling Associaiton Monitoring 03/05/2025 Current
back to top 117 Siegel Long Public Affairs, LLC Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. Monitoring 02/27/2025 Current
back to top 118 Capitol Success Group Occidental Oil and Gas Opposing 03/05/2025 Current
back to top 119 Touchstone Strategies LLC POCO Energy Opposing 03/06/2025 Current
back to top 120 Coleman Legislative Advocacy LLC Parker Water and Sanitation District Monitoring 02/25/2025 Current
back to top 121 BALCEROVICH, STEVE Parker water and sanitation district Monitoring 02/25/2025 Current
back to top 122 Waller Consulting LLC Pikes Peak Regional Building Department Opposing 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 123 GOFF, ERIN E Republic Services Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 124 HACKENBERGER, MICKI M Republic Services Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 125 HB Strategies Republic Services Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 126 Hackenberger, Carrie Republic Services Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 127 J. Andrew Green & Assoc., Inc. Republic Services Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 128 LaBriola, Lisa Republic Services Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 129 Lo, Elizabeth Republic Services Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 130 Neimond, Kevin Republic Services Opposing 03/07/2025 Current
back to top 131 Colorado Legislative Strategies South Metro Denver Chamber Opposing 02/19/2025 Current
back to top 132 LAYTON, MELANIE M. South Metro Denver Chamber Opposing 02/19/2025 Current
back to top 133 VORTHMANN, GARIN South Metro Denver Chamber Opposing 02/19/2025 Current
back to top 134 Wood, Andrew T. South Metro Denver Chamber Opposing 02/19/2025 Current
back to top 135 Woodhouse, Caroline South Metro Denver Chamber Opposing 02/19/2025 Current
back to top 136 BALCEROVICH, STEVE South Metro Water Supply Authority Monitoring 02/19/2025 Current
back to top 137 Coleman Legislative Advocacy LLC South Metro Water Supply Authority Monitoring 02/20/2025 Current
back to top 138 Vista Strategies LLC Sysco Opposing 03/04/2025 Current
back to top 139 BALCEROVICH, STEVE Town of Firestone Monitoring 03/04/2025 Current
back to top 140 Coleman Legislative Advocacy LLC Town of Firestone Monitoring 02/26/2025 Current
back to top 141 Cannon, Leslie M Tri-State Generation and Transmission Opposing 02/17/2025 Current
back to top 142 Raemdonck, Dieter United Airlines Opposing 02/26/2025 Current
back to top 143 Recht Kornfeld, P.C. United Airlines Opposing 02/26/2025 Current
back to top 144 Cordero, Mizraim S. United Airlines, Inc. Opposing 02/01/2025 Current
back to top 145 Rogers, Thomas M United Airlines, Inc. Opposing 02/26/2025 Current
back to top 146 Aldridge, Susan United Power, Inc. Monitoring 02/21/2025 Current
back to top 147 Capitol Solutions/Sandra Hagen Solin Weld County Opposing 02/18/2025 Current
back to top 148 Kimball, James Spencer Black Hills Corporation Monitoring 02/17/2025 03/14/2025
back to top 149 Kimball, James Spencer Black Hills Corporation Amending 03/03/2025 03/14/2025
back to top 150 Capitol Focus, LLC Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association Monitoring 02/26/2025 03/05/2025
back to top 151 Gates, Landon Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association Monitoring 02/26/2025 03/05/2025
back to top 152 Herzberg, Brock Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association Monitoring 02/26/2025 03/05/2025
back to top 153 Wagner Morgan Strategies, LLC Black Hills Corporation Monitoring 02/17/2025 03/03/2025
back to top 154 James, Tykee Eric Conservation Colorado Monitoring 02/25/2025 02/28/2025
back to top 155 Riester, Jefferey Colorado Department of Law n/a 01/01/2025 01/31/2025

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