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Legislative Year: 2025 Change

Bill Detail: HB25-1151

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Title Abritration of Health Insurance Claims
Status Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Health & Human Services (03/05/2025)
Bill Subjects
  • Health Care & Health Insurance
House Sponsors A. Hartsook (R)
R. Stewart (D)
Senate Sponsors D. Roberts (D)
House Committee Health and Human Services
Senate Committee Health and Human Services
Date Introduced 01/29/2025
AI Summary

This part of the bill is about making the arbitration process more efficient for out-of-network health insurance claims.

  • Arbitration for Out-of-Network Claims: When a healthcare provider is not part of an insurance carrier’s network, disputes over payment can go to arbitration, which is a process to resolve disagreements without going to court.
  • Batching Process: The bill introduces a system where multiple similar claims can be grouped together (or “batched”) and handled as a single arbitration case. This means:
    • All batched claims are considered together.
    • Only one arbitration fee is charged for the entire batch.
    • This aligns with federal law, likely referencing the No Surprises Act, which established similar protections for patients and processes for resolving out-of-network payment disputes.
  • Commissioner of Insurance Rules: The bill requires the state’s commissioner of insurance to create rules specifying what information insurance companies must give to healthcare providers when they make an initial payment on a claim. This could include details like how the payment amount was determined, which can help providers understand and dispute payments if necessary.

Overall, this bill aims to streamline dispute resolution, reduce costs associated with multiple arbitrations, and ensure transparency in how insurance payments are communicated to providers.



The bill makes changes to the arbitration requirements for
out-of-network health insurance claims by requiring the arbitration
process to include a batching process, by which multiple claims may be
considered jointly and under the same arbitration fee as part of one
payment determination in alignment with federal law. The commissioner
of insurance is required to adopt rules that specify the information each
insurance carrier is required to submit to a provider with the initial
payment of a claim.

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