Legislative Scorecard
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based on Profiles
This report shows the percentage of times a legislator voted with your position on selected bills.
How to read this report
This report is based on Sample Data. Subscribed users can select the bills and legislators to show on this report. Subscribe Here
Profile URL: https://app.coloradocapitolwatch.com/scard//2025/0/0/ Bill count= 0
How to read this report
- Legislators selected in your Profile are listed down the side.
- Bills selected in your Profile are listed across the top, with
your Position on each bill.
- A plus (+) indicates the Legislator voted with your position on
the bill. A minus (-) indicates the Legislator voted
against your position on the bill. A blank cell indicates the legislator did not vote on the bill.
- Legislator score is calculated by dividing the total number of
+ (pluses) by the total number of bills in the profile that were voted on by the legislator. For example:
- You select four bills in your Profile.
- The legislator voted with your Position on three of those
- The legislator score would be 3 divided by 4, or 75%.
- If you selected "Neutral" for your position on a bill, it
is not included in the legislator score.
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