
Bill Detail: HB22-1356

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Title Small Community-based Nonprofit Grant Program
Status Governor Signed (06/03/2022)
Bill Subjects
  • Local Government
House Sponsors L. Herod (D)
Senate Sponsors J. Gonzales (D)
House Committee Transportation and Local Government
Senate Committee Appropriations
Date Introduced 03/31/2022

The bill creates the small community-based nonprofit
infrastructure grant program (grant program) in the division of local
government in the department of local affairs (division) to provide grants

to certain small community-based nonprofit organizations that have been
impacted or disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 public health
emergency for infrastructure and capacity building. The division is
required to administer the grant program and to contract with no more
than 5 nonprofit organizations with specified qualifications (regional
access partners) to award and monitor the grants.
To be eligible to receive a grant through the grant program, an
organization must be one of the following:
  • A small community-based nonprofit organization that
operates under section 501 (c)(3) of the federal internal
revenue code;
  • A small community-based nonprofit organization that does
not operate under section 501 (c)(3) of the federal internal
revenue code and that works with a fiscal agent; or
  • A collaboration of multiple small community-based groups
that are not nonprofit organizations and that work with a
fiscal sponsor.
The bill specifies the criteria that each small community-based
nonprofit organization or each of the small community-based groups that
apply for a grant collaboratively are required to satisfy to be considered
an eligible recipient for a grant pursuant to the grant program.
The bill specifies that grant recipients may use grant program
money for infrastructure and capacity building purposes including data
technology needs, professional development for staff and board members,
strategic planning and organizational development for capacity building
and fundraising, communications, and existing program expansion,
development, or evaluation. The bill also specifies that grant money
cannot be used for capital improvements, real estate or land acquisition,
payment of debt, advocacy or lobbying, organizing, endowments, or
To receive a grant, an applicant must submit an application to a
regional access partner in accordance with the policies and procedures
developed by the division. The regional access partner is required to
award grants and ensure that:
  • The maximum grant award does not exceed $100,000; and
  • A grant award does not exceed 30% of the recipient's
annual operating budget.
The general assembly is required to appropriate $35 million from
the economic recovery and relief cash fund to the division for the
purposes of the grant program. The regional access partners are required
to award the grants for the purposes of the grant program on or before
December 30, 2024. The bill specifies that the division and any person
that receives money from the division, including a regional access
partner, shall comply with the compliance, reporting, record-keeping, and
program evaluation requirements established in current law by the office
of state planning and budgeting and the state controller.

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