
Bill Detail: HB22-1287

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Title Protections For Mobile Home Park Residents
Status Governor Signed (05/26/2022)
Bill Subjects
  • Housing
House Sponsors A. Boesenecker (D)
Senate Sponsors F. Winter (D)
House Committee Transportation and Local Government
Senate Committee Finance
Date Introduced 03/08/2022

The bill amends the Mobile Home Park Act and the Mobile
Home Park Act Dispute Resolution and Enforcement Program to:
  • Prohibit a landlord from increasing rent on a mobile home
lot by an amount that exceeds the greater of inflation or 3
percentage points in any 12-month period;
  • Require the landlord or the landlord's representative to
attend up to 2 public meetings for residents of the park
each year at the request of the residents;

  • Clarify that a landlord is responsible for the cost of
repairing any damage to a mobile home or lot that results
from the landlord's failure to maintain the premises of the
  • Clarify the triggering events that demonstrate a park
owner's intent to sell a park for purposes of providing
notice to home owners and the method for giving notice;
  • Change the period in which a group or association of
mobile home owners may make an offer to purchase the
park from 90 to 180 days, and provide for tolling of that
time period in certain circumstances;
  • Provide a right of first refusal for a public entity that
accepts an assignment of a group or association of mobile
home owners' opportunity to purchase;
  • Clarify the obligations of a landlord to provide notice to
home owners concerning the terms and conditions of an
offer to purchase the park that the landlord would accept
and to negotiate in good faith with the home owners;
  • Require a landlord who changes the use of the land
comprising the park to compensate a mobile home owner
who has not given notice to terminate the lease or rental
agreement and who is displaced by the change in use for
the reasonable costs of relocating the mobile home to a
location within 100 miles of the park, the fair market value
of the mobile home before the change in use, or in the
amount of $7,500 for a single-section mobile home or
$10,000 for a multi-section mobile home;
  • Allow the department to enforce statutory provisions
concerning the required notice of intent to sell or change
the use of the land and the mobile home owners'
opportunity to purchase by imposing a fine for a violation
or filing for injunctive relief in district court;
  • Allow the attorney general to investigate and enforce
statutory provisions providing protections for mobile home
  • Allow a resident, local government, or a nonprofit to file a
complaint with the division under the dispute resolution
  • Clarify the procedures and penalties that apply when a
party does not respond to a subpoena from the division;
  • Allow the division to take immediate action in response to
complaints or violations that will cause immediate harm to
mobile home owners;
  • Prohibit landlords from harassing or coercing mobile home
owners in an effort to require a mobile owner to sign an
agreement or to influence a decision by the home owner
about an opportunity to purchase;
  • Establish criteria for when a mobile home park rule or
regulation that limits a home owner's right to control the
use, appearance, and structure of a mobile home is
  • Prohibit a landlord from interfering with the mobile home
owner's right to sell a mobile home to the buyer of his or
her choice, except in limited circumstances;
  • Establish record retention requirements for landlords; and
  • Consolidate provisions concerning private rights of action
for landlords, home owners, and residents, and establish
penalties and remedies available in private actions.

Committee Reports
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Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (05/03/2022) (most recent)  
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