
Bill Tracker

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Bill No. Title Sponsors (House and Senate)StatusPositionHearing DateDescriptionIntro DateFiscal Notes
HB25-1009 Vegetative Fuel Mitigation House:
T. Mauro (D)
J. Joseph (D)
L. Cutter (D)
Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Agriculture & Natural Resources: 02/11/2025cConcerning a vegetative fuel mitigation program for a district providing fire protection services.01/08/2025Fiscal Notes : 01/23/2025
HB25-1014 Increasing Efficiency Division of Water Resources House:
M. Lukens (D)
D. Johnson (R)
D. Roberts (D)
C. Simpson (R)
House Committee on Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources Refer Amended to Appropriations: 01/27/2025cConcerning measures to increase efficiency in division of water resources processes.01/08/2025Fiscal Notes : 01/13/2025
HB25-1023 Local Government Review of Fencing Projects House:
M. Martinez (D)
J. Bacon (D)
J. Gonzales (D)
C. Simpson (R)
Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Agriculture & Natural Resources: 02/11/2025cConcerning local government review of certain fencing projects.01/08/2025Fiscal Notes : 01/29/2025
HB25-1078 Forestry & Firefighter Workforce & Education House:
A. Boesenecker (D)
E. Velasco (D)
L. Cutter (D)
J. Marchman (D)
House Committee on Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources Refer Amended to Appropriations: 02/10/2025cConcerning workforce development in natural resources, and, in connection therewith, supporting the Colorado cooperative extension service and other government and industry partners in providing career awareness, education, and internships in forest health to youth and young adults; authorizing the department of public safety to award grants for basic firefighting certifications and for instructor training and to develop a program to train instructors to teach firefighting certificate programs; and authorizing the department of public safety to develop an outreach program to promote fire service careers.01/08/2025Fiscal Notes : 01/16/2025
HB25-1091 Designation of State Mushroom House:
J. Phillips (D)
K. Mullica (D)
Introduced In Senate - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs: 02/06/2025cConcerning the designation of the Agaricus julius mushroom as the state mushroom.01/23/2025Fiscal Notes : 01/28/2025
HB25-1099 Water Quality Data Standards House:
R. Taggart (R)
T. Mauro (D)
N. Hinrichsen (D)
Introduced In House - Assigned to Energy & Environment: 01/27/2025cConcerning standards for the determination of a total maximum daily load for state waters.01/27/2025Fiscal Notes : 02/04/2025
HB25-1115 Water Supply Measurement & Forecasting Program House:
J. McCluskie (D)
M. Soper (R)
M. Catlin (R)
D. Roberts (D)
Introduced In House - Assigned to Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources: 01/27/2025c02/20/2025Concerning the Colorado water conservation board's administration of a water supply measurement program.01/27/2025Fiscal Notes : 02/05/2025
HB25-1119 Require Disclosures of Climate Emissions House:
M. Rutinel (D)
Introduced In House - Assigned to Energy & Environment: 01/28/2025cConcerning requiring certain entities to disclose information concerning greenhouse gas emissions.01/28/2025 
HB25-1120 Septic-System Replacement Enterprise House:
L. Smith (D)
D. Roberts (D)
Introduced In House - Assigned to Energy & Environment: 01/28/2025c02/13/2025Concerning the creation of an enterprise to implement a loan program in order to replace failing septic systems.01/28/2025Fiscal Notes : 02/11/2025
HB25-1134 Insect Production Human Consumption House:
S. Bottoms (R)
House Committee on Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely: 02/10/2025cConcerning the regulation of insects for human consumption.01/29/2025Fiscal Notes : 02/05/2025
HB25-1165 Geologic Storage Enterprise & Geothermal Resources House:
M. Soper (R)
A. Paschal (D)
C. Kipp (D)
C. Simpson (R)
Introduced In House - Assigned to Energy & Environment: 02/03/2025cConcerning the management of underground energy resources.02/03/2025 
HB25-HJR1004 Water Project Eligibility Lists House:
K. McCormick (D)
T. Winter (R)
D. Roberts (D)
C. Simpson (R)
Senate Third Reading Passed - No Amendments: 02/11/2025c02/11/2025Concerning approval of water project revolving fund eligibility lists administered by the Colorado water resources and power development authority.01/13/2025 
SB25-007 Increase Prescribed Burns Senate:
L. Cutter (D)
J. Marchman (D)
E. Velasco (D)
R. Weinberg (R)
Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Agriculture & Natural Resources: 01/08/2025c02/19/2025Concerning support to increase prescribed burns.01/08/2025Fiscal Notes : 01/13/2025
SB25-026 Adjusting Certain Tax Expenditures Senate:
K. Mullica (D)
R. Marshall (D)
J. Joseph (D)
Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Finance: 01/08/2025cConcerning the adjustment of certain tax expenditures.01/08/2025Fiscal Notes : 01/13/2025
SB25-029 Ranch Property Tax Clarifications Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
B. Pelton (R)
J. McCluskie (D)
Senate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely: 01/29/2025cConcerning clarification of the definition of "ranch" used in connection with the taxation of agricultural property.01/08/2025Fiscal Notes : 01/15/2025
SB25-037 Coal Transition Grants Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
R. Taggart (R)
T. Mauro (D)
Senate Committee on Business, Labor, & Technology Refer Amended to Appropriations: 02/04/2025c02/14/2025Concerning assistance for communities experiencing energy transition.01/08/2025Fiscal Notes : 01/28/2025
SB25-038 Wildlife Damage Protection of Personal Information Senate:
M. Catlin (R)
D. Roberts (D)
J. McCluskie (D)
Introduced In House - Assigned to Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources: 02/06/2025bConcerning protection of the personal information of persons impacted by wildlife damage.01/08/2025Fiscal Notes : 01/10/2025
SB25-039 Agricultural Buildings Exempt from Energy Use Requirements Senate:
J. Bridges (D)
B. Pelton (R)
M. Martinez (D)
D. Johnson (R)
Senate Second Reading Passed with Amendments - Floor: 02/11/2025b02/12/2025Concerning exemptions from energy use reporting requirements for owners of agricultural buildings.01/08/2025Fiscal Notes : 01/15/2025
SB25-040 Future of Severance Taxes & Water Funding Task Force Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
C. Simpson (R)
M. Martinez (D)
K. McCormick (D)
Senate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Refer Amended to Appropriations: 01/29/2025cConcerning the creation of the future of severance taxes and water funding task force.01/08/2025Fiscal Notes : 02/07/2025
SB25-049 Continue Wildlife Habitat Stamp Program Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
J. Marchman (D)
M. Martinez (D)
T. Winter (R)
Senate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Refer Unamended to Appropriations: 01/29/2025cConcerning continuation of the Colorado wildlife habitat stamp program.01/13/2025Fiscal Notes : 01/17/2025
SB25-053 Protect Wild Bison Senate:
J. Danielson (D)
J. Joseph (D)
Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Agriculture & Natural Resources: 01/15/2025eConcerning the classification of bison as wildlife unless classified as livestock.01/15/2025 
SB25-054 Mining Reclamation & Interstate Compact Senate:
J. Bridges (D)
C. Simpson (R)
M. Martinez (D)
K. McCormick (D)
Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Agriculture & Natural Resources: 01/16/2025c02/12/2025Concerning the regulation of mining activities, and, in connection therewith, creating a new permit type to facilitate the cleanup of abandoned mine waste piles, updating forfeiture and warranty procedures, and ratifying Colorado's membership in the "Interstate Mining Compact" and the Interstate Mining Commission.01/16/2025Fiscal Notes : 01/17/2025
SB25-081 Treasurer's Office Senate:
J. Bridges (D)
J. Amabile (D)
S. Bird (D)
Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Finance: 01/23/2025c02/18/2025Concerning public financing, and, in connection therewith, establishing the building urgent infrastructure and leveraging dollars authority, modifying the state public financing cash fund, and allowing the state treasurer to use a security token offering for state capital financing.01/23/2025 
SB25-115 Seedling Tree Nursery Spending Authority Extension Senate:
J. Bridges (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
E. Sirota (D)
R. Taggart (R)
House Committee on Appropriations Refer Unamended to House Committee of the Whole: 02/11/2025c02/13/2025Concerning an extension of spending authority for the Colorado state forest service seedling tree nursery.02/03/2025Fiscal Notes : 02/03/2025
SB25-137 Greenhouse Gas Credits for Water Quality Projects Senate:
C. Simpson (R)
Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Transportation & Energy: 02/05/2025cConcerning greenhouse gas credit trading program eligibility for water quality green infrastructure projects that create greenhouse gas credits.02/05/2025 
SB25-139 Grocery & Utility Bill Reduction Measures Senate:
M. Baisley (R)
Introduced In Senate - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs: 02/05/2025cConcerning measures to reduce household costs in the state, and, in connection therewith, authorizing the use of nuclear energy as a clean energy resource and repealing certain charges associated with groceries or utilities.02/05/2025 
SB25-142 Changes to Wildfire Resiliency Code Board Senate:
M. Baisley (R)
Introduced In Senate - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs: 02/05/2025cConcerning changes to the wildfire resiliency code board.02/05/2025 
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