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Bill No. Title PositionStatusSponsors (House and Senate)Hearing DateDescriptionIntro DateFiscal Notes
HB24-1006 Assist Rural Community Wildfire-Related Grant Application cGovernor Signed: 05/20/2024House:
M. Snyder (D)
E. Velasco (D)
L. Cutter (D)
P. Will (R)
Concerning assistance for rural communities to apply for wildfire-related grant money, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/16/2024
HB24-1024 Extend Outreach Campaigns Wildfire Risk Mitigation cGovernor Signed: 05/20/2024House:
T. Story (D)
E. Velasco (D)
L. Cutter (D)
Concerning the continuation of public outreach campaigns relating to wildfire risk mitigation in the wildland-urban interface, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/03/2024
HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources bHouse Committee on State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 03/07/2024House:
B. Bradley (R)
M. Baisley (R)
Concerning prohibiting the ownership of certain property interests by covered foreign persons that are not located in the United States.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/10/2024
HB24-1032 Extend Wild Horse Population Management Timeline cGovernor Signed: 03/22/2024House:
M. Duran (D)
M. Lynch (R)
J. Ginal (D)
P. Will (R)
Concerning an extension of the time for implementation of the wild horse population management program.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 05/30/2024
HB24-1033 Emergency Management Plan Individuals with Animals cGovernor Signed: 04/11/2024House:
M. Snyder (D)
E. Velasco (D)
L. Cutter (D)
S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
Concerning the needs of an individual with an animal during an emergency, and, in connection therewith, adapting emergency management plans to address the needs of an individual with an animal during an emergency and that local governments make certain information publicly available relating to an individual with an animal during an emergency.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/24/2024
HB24-1047 Veterinary Technician Scope of Practice cGovernor Signed: 03/22/2024House:
M. Catlin (R)
K. McCormick (D)
D. Roberts (D)
C. Simpson (R)
Concerning the scope of practice for veterinary technicians, and, in connection therewith, directing the state board of veterinary medicine to promulgate rules regarding the supervision of and the delegation of certain tasks to veterinary technicians, veterinary technician specialists, or other personnel by a licensed veterinarian and establishing a veterinary technician specialist designation.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 05/13/2024
HB24-1048 Providing Veterinary Services Through Telehealth cGovernor Signed: 04/19/2024House:
M. Martinez (D)
K. McCormick (D)
J. Ginal (D)
B. Pelton (R)
Concerning the provision of veterinary services through telehealth.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 05/13/2024
HB24-1050 Simplify Processes Regarding Certain Local Government Taxes cGovernor Signed: 06/04/2024House:
C. Kipp (D)
R. Taggart (R)
K. Van Winkle (R)
J. Bridges (D)
Concerning the simplification of processes related to taxes imposed by local governments, and, in connection therewith, requiring local taxing jurisdictions to report to the executive director of the department of revenue information on local lodging tax and building permit-related sales or use tax information, requiring the executive director to publish that information, modifying the scope of the sales and use tax simplification task force to include simplification of local lodging tax, requiring the sales and use tax simplification task force to receive information related to the feasibility and implementation of an electronic portal for the collection and remittance of local lodging taxes, and making an appropriation.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/11/2024
HB24-1073 Independent Ethics Commission Jurisdiction cHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/14/2024House:
T. Story (D)
J. Parenti (D)
J. Gonzales (D)
J. Marchman (D)
Concerning the scope of the independent ethics commission's jurisdiction over ethics complaints against local governments, and, in connection therewith, expanding the independent ethics commission's jurisdiction to include school districts and special districts.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 05/15/2024
HB24-1117 Invertebrates & Rare Plants Parks & Wildlife Commission eGovernor Signed: 05/17/2024House:
M. Soper (R)
K. McCormick (D)
J. Bridges (D)
J. Marchman (D)
Concerning including certain species under the authority of the state agencies that regulate parks and wildlife, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.01/26/2024Fiscal Notes : 05/30/2024
HB24-1121 Consumer Right to Repair Digital Electronic Equipment cGovernor Signed: 05/28/2024House:
B. Titone (D)
S. Woodrow (D)
J. Bridges (D)
N. Hinrichsen (D)
Concerning a requirement that a manufacturer of digital electronic equipment facilitate the repair of its equipment by providing certain other persons with the resources needed to repair the manufacturer's digital electronic equipment.01/29/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/24/2024
HB24-1138 Tax Credit for Transfer of Agricultural Asset bHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/14/2024House:
M. Catlin (R)
M. Lukens (D)
C. Simpson (R)
J. Marchman (D)
Concerning a state income tax credit for a person transferring an agricultural asset to certain agricultural producers.01/29/2024Fiscal Notes : 08/07/2024
HB24-1155 Management of Certain Public Safety Emergencies cGovernor Signed: 04/04/2024House:
E. Velasco (D)
L. Cutter (D)
Concerning modifications to the statutes that guide the management of certain public safety emergencies.01/30/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/10/2024
HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System eHouse Committee on Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely: 02/08/2024House:
R. English (D)
Concerning the registration of pet animals.01/31/2024Fiscal Notes : 02/06/2024
HB24-1168 Equal Access to Public Meetings eHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/14/2024House:
M. Froelich (D)
M. Rutinel (D)
N. Hinrichsen (D)
Concerning equal access to public meetings.01/31/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/06/2024
HB24-1178 Local Government Authority to Regulate Pesticides eHouse Second Reading Special Order - Laid Over to 05/09/2024 - No Amendments: 05/06/2024House:
M. Froelich (D)
C. Kipp (D)
L. Cutter (D)
S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
Concerning local government authority to regulate pesticides.02/01/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/10/2024
HB24-1249 Tax Credit Agricultural Stewardship Practices gGovernor Signed: 05/24/2024House:
M. Martinez (D)
T. Winter (R)
D. Roberts (D)
R. Pelton (R)
Concerning a state income tax credit for active agricultural stewardship practices, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.02/12/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/24/2024
HB24-1271 State Income Tax Credit for Veterinary Professional bHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/14/2024House:
K. McCormick (D)
M. Lynch (R)
J. Ginal (D)
B. Pelton (R)
Concerning a state income tax credit for qualified individuals in the veterinary field.02/13/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/31/2024
HB24-1343 Wildfire Evacuation Modeling Grant Program cHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/14/2024House:
M. Snyder (D)
Concerning the creation of the wildfire evacuation modeling grant program.02/26/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/20/2024
HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation cGovernor Signed: 05/21/2024House:
B. Titone (D)
K. McCormick (D)
K. Priola (D)
C. Hansen (D)
Concerning energy and carbon management regulation in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, broadening the energy and carbon management commission's regulatory authority to include regulation of geologic storage operations.02/27/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/15/2024
HB24-1357 Pipeline Safety cHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/14/2024House:
T. Story (D)
K. Brown (D)
K. Priola (D)
Concerning measures to promote safety in the distribution of natural gas.03/04/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/22/2024
HB24-1359 Public Notification of Hazardous Chemical Releases cHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/14/2024House:
E. Hamrick (D)
E. Velasco (D)
L. Cutter (D)
S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
Concerning measures to increase public knowledge of hazardous chemicals released through oil and gas operations.03/05/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/22/2024
HB24-1367 Repeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper Wells cHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/14/2024House:
C. Kipp (D)
F. Winter (D)
Concerning the repeal of the severance tax exemption for oil and gas wells that are stripper wells.03/11/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/11/2024
HB24-1369 Colorado Agriculture Special License Plate bGovernor Signed: 06/03/2024House:
M. Martinez (D)
R. Holtorf (R)
B. Pelton (R)
J. Marchman (D)
Concerning the creation of a Colorado agriculture license plate, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/11/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/16/2024
HB24-1375 Wild Carnivores & Livestock Nonlethal Coexistence eHouse Committee on Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely: 04/01/2024House:
T. Story (D)
K. Priola (D)
Concerning native wild carnivores' nonlethal coexistence with livestock businesses in Colorado.03/13/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/10/2024
HB24-1379 Regulate Dredge & Fill Activities in State Waters cGovernor Signed: 05/29/2024House:
J. McCluskie (D)
K. McCormick (D)
D. Roberts (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
Concerning the regulation of state waters in response to recent federal court action, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/20/2024Fiscal Notes : 08/14/2024
HB24-1413 Severance Tax Transfers bGovernor Signed: 05/22/2024House:
S. Bird (D)
R. Taggart (R)
J. Bridges (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
Concerning transfers from funds that include severance tax revenue, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/25/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/10/2024
HB24-1430 2024-25 Long Appropriations Bill bGovernor Signed: 04/29/2024House:
S. Bird (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
Concerning the provision for payment of the expenses of the executive, legislative, and judicial departments of the state of Colorado, and of its agencies and institutions, for and during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, except as otherwise noted.03/25/2024 
HB24-1435 Colorado Water Conservation Board Projects cGovernor Signed: 05/29/2024House:
M. Catlin (R)
K. McCormick (D)
D. Roberts (D)
C. Simpson (R)
Concerning the funding of Colorado water conservation board projects, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.04/01/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/11/2024
HB24-1458 Create Division of Animal Welfare in Department of Agriculture cGovernor Signed: 05/30/2024House:
M. Duran (D)
R. Armagost (R)
R. Zenzinger (D)
D. Roberts (D)
Concerning the creation of the division of animal welfare in the department of agriculture, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing an appropriation.04/15/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/27/2024
SB24-005 Prohibit Landscaping Practices for Water Conservation cGovernor Signed: 03/18/2024Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
C. Simpson (R)
B. McLachlan (D)
K. McCormick (D)
Concerning the conservation of water in the state through the prohibition of certain landscaping practices.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/03/2024
SB24-009 Local Government Disaster-Related Programs cHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/14/2024Senate:
L. Cutter (D)
S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
M. Snyder (D)
Concerning assisting local governments in disaster-related programs, and, in connection therewith, establishing the slash removal pilot program and making an appropriation.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/18/2024
SB24-025 Update Local Government Sales & UseTax Collection cGovernor Signed: 05/01/2024Senate:
K. Van Winkle (R)
J. Bridges (D)
C. Kipp (D)
R. Taggart (R)
Concerning local government sales and use taxes administered by the department of revenue, and, in connection therewith, revising, modernizing, and harmonizing various state statutes relating to the state-administration of local sales and use tax into one uniform statute.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/20/2024
SB24-026 Agriculture & Natural Resources Public Engagement Requirement cGovernor Signed: 05/01/2024Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
P. Will (R)
B. McLachlan (D)
M. Catlin (R)
Concerning a requirement that members of certain state regulatory bodies who are appointed by the governor hold meetings to elicit public engagement, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/17/2024
SB24-028 Study Biochar in Wildfire Mitigation Efforts cSenate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Refer Amended to Appropriations: 01/25/2024Senate:
L. Cutter (D)
P. Will (R)
E. Velasco (D)
Concerning a comprehensive study on biochar, and, in connection therewith, studying the use of biochar in wildfire mitigation efforts.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/18/2024
SB24-031 Local Authority Enforce Violation of Noxious Weed Act cGovernor Signed: 03/13/2024Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
B. McLachlan (D)
M. Lukens (D)
Concerning local authority to enforce violations of laws related to the prevention of noxious weeds.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 05/30/2024
SB24-037 Study Green Infrastructure for Water Quality Management cGovernor Signed: 05/24/2024Senate:
J. Bridges (D)
C. Simpson (R)
K. McCormick (D)
M. Lynch (R)
Concerning alternative mechanisms for achieving compliance with water quality standards, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/31/2024
SB24-038 Authorize Conservancy District Water Management cSenate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely: 03/27/2024Senate:
J. Bridges (D)
C. Simpson (R)
M. Martinez (D)
K. McCormick (D)
Concerning conservancy districts, and, in connection therewith, authorizing a conservancy district to participate in a plan for augmentation; contract with water users outside the conservancy district for the provision of services; exercise certain powers regarding the control, delivery, use, and distribution of water; establish a water activity enterprise; and sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of the use of water or capacity in works by contract.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/20/2024
SB24-055 Agricultural & Rural Behavioral Health Care bGovernor Signed: 06/06/2024Senate:
P. Will (R)
J. Marchman (D)
M. Lukens (D)
A. Hartsook (R)
Concerning supporting the behavioral health care of individuals involved in agriculture, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.01/17/2024Fiscal Notes : 08/09/2024
SB24-057 Agricultural Workforce & Suicide Prevention cSenate Committee on Health & Human Services Refer Amended to Appropriations: 02/07/2024Senate:
T. Sullivan (D)
M. Froelich (D)
J. Amabile (D)
Concerning creating a program to prevent suicide in the agricultural workforce.01/17/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/26/2024
SB24-058 Landowner Liability Recreational Use Warning Signs bGovernor Signed: 03/18/2024Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
M. Baisley (R)
S. Bird (D)
B. Titone (D)
Concerning landowner liability under the Colorado recreational use statute.01/17/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/10/2024
SB24-081 Perfluoroalkyl & Polyfluoroalkyl Chemicals cGovernor Signed: 05/01/2024Senate:
L. Cutter (D)
C. Kipp (D)
M. Rutinel (D)
Concerning measures to increase protections from perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals.01/22/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/18/2024
SB24-101 Children's Resident Camp Rental & Visiting Group bSenate Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely: 03/13/2024Senate:
M. Baisley (R)
R. Pugliese (R)
Concerning clarifying operational authority for children's resident camp-related entities.01/26/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/17/2024
SB24-126 Conservation Easement Income Tax Credit bGovernor Signed: 05/20/2024Senate:
F. Winter (D)
P. Will (R)
M. Lynch (R)
M. Lukens (D)
Concerning the conservation easement income tax credit, and, in connection therewith, extending the conservation easement oversight commission and the certified holder program indefinitely, increasing the limit on conservation easement income tax credits available to donors in one calendar year, allowing multiple transfers of conservation easement income tax credits, and making an appropriation.02/06/2024Fiscal Notes : 08/06/2024
SB24-127 Regulate Dredged & Fill Material State Waters bSenate Committee on Finance Refer Amended to Appropriations: 04/25/2024Senate:
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
S. Bird (D)
Concerning the establishment of a dredge-and-fill permit program to regulate the discharge of pollutants into certain state waters in response to recent changes in federal law, and, in connection therewith, establishing the stream and wetlands protection commission and the stream and wetlands protection division and authorizing the stream and wetlands protection division to administer and enforce the dredge-and-fill permit program in accordance with rules promulgated by the stream and wetlands protection commission.02/06/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/20/2024
SB24-148 Precipitation Harvesting Storm Water Detention cGovernor Signed: 04/12/2024Senate:
K. Van Winkle (R)
B. McLachlan (D)
M. Bradfield (R)
B. Bradley (R)
Concerning allowing certain facilities to use water detained in a storm water detention and infiltration facility for precipitation harvesting.02/07/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/10/2024
SB24-152 Regenerative Agriculture Tax Credit cHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/14/2024Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
C. Simpson (R)
K. McCormick (D)
Concerning an income tax credit for qualifying food and beverage retailers in the state that source ingredients from local producers practicing regenerative agriculture.02/07/2024Fiscal Notes : 08/08/2024
SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes eSenate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely: 03/28/2024Senate:
K. Priola (D)
S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
A. Boesenecker (D)
J. Marvin (D)
Concerning modifications to processes to further protect public health in energy and carbon management.02/13/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/09/2024
SB24-171 Restoration of Wolverines cGovernor Signed: 05/20/2024Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
P. Will (R)
B. McLachlan (D)
T. Mauro (D)
Concerning authorization for the restoration of the North American wolverine in the state, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/04/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/11/2024
SB24-179 Floodplain Management Program cGovernor Signed: 06/06/2024Senate:
C. Simpson (R)
N. Hinrichsen (D)
T. Story (D)
M. Catlin (R)
Concerning the establishment of a floodplain management program for development, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/07/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/08/2024
SB24-194 Special District Emergency Services Funding cGovernor Signed: 05/22/2024Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
P. Will (R)
B. McLachlan (D)
R. Armagost (R)
Concerning special districts that provide emergency services, and, in connection therewith, authorizing a district to impose an impact fee on certain new construction and to levy a sales tax to generate additional revenue for district services.04/02/2024Fiscal Notes : 08/08/2024
SB24-197 Water Conservation Measures cGovernor Signed: 05/29/2024Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
P. Will (R)
M. Catlin (R)
J. McCluskie (D)
Concerning measures for the conservation of water in the state, and, in connection therewith, implementing the proposals of the Colorado river drought task force.04/03/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/01/2024
SB24-199 Annual Species Conservation Trust Fund Projects cGovernor Signed: 05/17/2024Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
P. Will (R)
M. Catlin (R)
K. McCormick (D)
Concerning an appropriation for species conservation trust fund projects.04/04/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/10/2024
SB24-212 Local Govs Renewable Energy Projects cGovernor Signed: 05/21/2024Senate:
C. Hansen (D)
S. Fenberg (D)
K. Brown (D)
K. McCormick (D)
Concerning measures to facilitate the construction of renewable energy projects, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.04/22/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/16/2024
SB24-213 Exempt Certain Structures from County Regulation cHouse Committee on State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 05/04/2024Senate:
S. Fenberg (D)
B. Pelton (R)
J. Amabile (D)
R. Pugliese (R)
Concerning an exemption from county short-term rental regulation for certain structures located in an unincorporated area of a county that are used for recreational purposes and do not receive public services.04/22/2024Fiscal Notes : 08/06/2024
SB24-214 Implement State Climate Goals cGovernor Signed: 05/17/2024Senate:
C. Hansen (D)
L. Cutter (D)
J. Amabile (D)
K. McCormick (D)
Concerning the implementation of state climate goals, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing an appropriation.04/22/2024Fiscal Notes : 08/13/2024
SB24-219 Colorado Roadside & Outdoor Recreation Industry Enterprise cIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to Appropriations: 04/25/2024Senate:
J. Bridges (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
S. Bird (D)
R. Taggart (R)
Concerning the creation of the Colorado roadside improvement and outdoor recreational industry promotional enterprise.04/25/2024Fiscal Notes : 08/05/2024
SB24-230 Oil & Gas Production Fees cGovernor Signed: 05/17/2024Senate:
S. Fenberg (D)
L. Cutter (D)
J. McCluskie (D)
E. Velasco (D)
Concerning support for statewide remediation services that positively impact the environment.04/30/2024Fiscal Notes : 08/05/2024
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