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Bill No. Title House SponsorsSenate SponsorsStatusPositionHearing DateDescriptionIntro DateFiscal Notes
HB21-1008 Forest Health Project Financing M. Catlin (R)J. Cooke (R)
C. Hansen (D)
Governor Signed: 05/20/2021cConcerning increased options for financing forest health projects, and, in connection therewith, financing wildfire mitigation treatments.02/16/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/16/2021
HB21-1037 Limit Designated Lands Gray Wolf Reintroduction M. Soper (R)R. Scott (R)
B. Rankin (R)
House Committee on Energy & Environment Postpone Indefinitely: 02/25/2021cConcerning a limitation on the designated lands onto which gray wolves may be reintroduced.02/16/2021Fiscal Notes : 07/29/2021
HB21-1040 General Fund Money For Reintroduction Of Wolves P. Will (R)B. Rankin (R)
K. Donovan (D)
House Committee on Energy & Environment Postpone Indefinitely: 03/10/2021cConcerning the requirement that the costs associated with the reintroduction of gray wolves in the state be paid exclusively from the general fund.02/16/2021Fiscal Notes : 07/27/2021
HB21-1042 Water Storage Tanks Grant Program R. Hanks (R)House Committee on Agriculture, Livestock, & Water Postpone Indefinitely: 03/01/2021cConcerning the creation of the water storage tank wildfire mitigation grant program.02/16/2021Fiscal Notes : 06/23/2021
HB21-1043 Study Underground Water Storage Maximum Beneficial Use R. Holtorf (R)J. Sonnenberg (R)House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 06/15/2021cConcerning a study of underground water storage to maximize the beneficial use of water within Colorado.02/16/2021Fiscal Notes : 07/26/2021
HB21-1045 Invasive Pest Control Administration D. Valdez (D)
M. Young (D)
R. Fields (D)Governor Signed: 05/20/2021bConcerning the department of agriculture's authority to control pests.02/16/2021Fiscal Notes : 08/17/2021
HB21-1046 Water Share Right Mutual Ditch Corporation M. Catlin (R)J. Sonnenberg (R)
R. Fields (D)
Governor Signed: 05/20/2021cConcerning the use of a water right obtained through a mutual ditch corporation.02/16/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/16/2021
HB21-1047 County Commissioner Districts Gerrymandering C. Kennedy (D)P. Lee (D)Governor Signed: 04/29/2021cConcerning the drawing of voting districts by county governments.02/16/2021Fiscal Notes : 07/14/2021
HB21-1095 811 Locate Exemption For County Road Maintenance M. Baisley (R)
C. Kipp (D)
J. Ginal (D)
R. Woodward (R)
Governor Signed: 05/21/2021cConcerning excavation notification requirements for underground facility location in connection with county road maintenance.02/16/2021Fiscal Notes : 07/14/2021
HB21-1148 Colorado State Fair Annual Report Submission Date Change D. Michaelson Jenet (D)
R. Bockenfeld (R)
R. Fields (D)
J. Smallwood (R)
Governor Signed: 05/07/2021cConcerning the distribution of an annual report regarding the Colorado state fair, and, in connection therewith, changing the annual reporting deadline and requiring that the report be submitted to all members of the general assembly.03/03/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/20/2021
HB21-1180 Measures To Increase Biomass Utilization D. Valdez (D)
P. Will (R)
D. Coram (R)Governor Signed: 07/07/2021cConcerning measures to increase biomass utilization throughout the state.03/04/2021Fiscal Notes : 08/30/2021
HB21-1181 Agricultural Soil Health Program P. Will (R)
K. McCormick (D)
F. Winter (D)
C. Simpson (R)
Governor Signed: 06/21/2021dConcerning the creation of a voluntary soil health program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/04/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/20/2021
HB21-1189 Regulate Air Toxics A. Benavidez (D)
A. Valdez (D)
D. Moreno (D)
J. Gonzales (D)
Governor Signed: 06/24/2021cConcerning additional public health protections in relation to the emission of air toxics, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/04/2021Fiscal Notes : 07/23/2021
HB21-1199 Consumer Digital Repair Bill Of Rights B. Titone (D)
S. Woodrow (D)
R. Rodriguez (D)House Committee on Business Affairs & Labor Postpone Indefinitely: 03/25/2021cConcerning a requirement that a manufacturer of digital electronic equipment facilitate the repair of the equipment by providing persons other than authorized repair providers affiliated with the manufacturer with the resources needed to repair the equipment.03/04/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/20/2021
HB21-1208 Natural Disaster Mitigation Enterprise M. Gray (D)
L. Cutter (D)
K. Priola (R)
F. Winter (D)
Governor Signed: 07/06/2021cConcerning the creation of an enterprise that is exempt from the requirements of section 20 of article X of the state constitution to administer a fee-based natural disaster mitigation grant program.03/05/2021Fiscal Notes : 08/31/2021
HB21-1223 Create Outdoor Recreation Industry Office B. McLachlan (D)
M. Soper (R)
D. Coram (R)
T. Story (D)
Governor Signed: 05/20/2021cConcerning the creation of the outdoor recreation industry office in the office of economic development.03/18/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/24/2021
HB21-1226 More Robust Check Station Aquatic Nuisance Species D. Esgar (D)
P. Will (R)
D. Coram (R)
K. Donovan (D)
Governor Signed: 05/20/2021bConcerning additional measures to control aquatic nuisance species, and, in connection therewith, prohibiting a person from refusing to stop at a check station and directing the division of parks and wildlife to report to the general assembly regarding implementation of the act.03/18/2021Fiscal Notes : 08/04/2021
HB21-1233 Conservation Easement Tax Credit Modifications D. Roberts (D)
P. Will (R)
K. Donovan (D)
F. Winter (D)
Governor Signed: 06/30/2021cConcerning modifications to the requirements for claiming an income tax credit for the donation of a perpetual conservation easement, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/19/2021Fiscal Notes : 08/26/2021
HB21-1242 Create Agricultural Drought And Climate Resilience Office B. McLachlan (D)K. Donovan (D)Governor Signed: 06/24/2021dConcerning the creation of an agricultural drought and climate resilience office in the department of agriculture, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/24/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/21/2021
HB21-1243 Wolf Reintroduction Funding With No License Fees D. Valdez (D)
P. Will (R)
B. Rankin (R)
K. Donovan (D)
Governor Signed: 06/27/2021cConcerning the establishment of funding for the program to reintroduce and manage gray wolves in the state from sources other than hunting and fishing license fees.03/24/2021Fiscal Notes : 10/05/2021
HB21-1260 General Fund Transfer Implement State Water Plan A. Garnett (D)
M. Catlin (R)
K. Donovan (D)
C. Simpson (R)
Governor Signed: 06/24/2021cConcerning transfers of money from the general fund to implement the state water plan, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.04/06/2021Fiscal Notes : 07/28/2021
HB21-1261 Extend Beetle Kill Wood Products Sales Tax Exemption M. Catlin (R)
L. Cutter (D)
D. Coram (R)
J. Ginal (D)
J. Bridges (D)
Governor Signed: 06/24/2021cConcerning the extension of the sales and use tax exemption for beetle kill wood products.04/06/2021Fiscal Notes : 07/23/2021
HB21-1262 Money Support Agricultural Events Organization S. Lontine (D)
M. Lynch (R)
J. Sonnenberg (R)
L. Garcia (D)
Governor Signed: 06/29/2021cConcerning monetary support for agricultural events in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.04/06/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/21/2021
HB21-1268 Study Emerging Technologies For Water Management B. Titone (D)
P. Will (R)
C. Hansen (D)
C. Simpson (R)
Governor Signed: 06/18/2021cConcerning a requirement that Colorado institutions of higher education study potential uses of emerging technologies to more effectively manage Colorado's water supply, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation conditioned on the receipt of matching funds from gifts, grants, and donations.04/09/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/27/2021
HB21-1278 Special District Meeting Requirements T. Exum Sr. (D)J. Sonnenberg (R)Governor Signed: 07/07/2021cConcerning meeting requirements for the boards of special districts.04/15/2021Fiscal Notes : 08/27/2021
HB21-1301 Cannabis Outdoor Cultivation Measures D. Esgar (D)
R. Holtorf (R)
D. Coram (R)
D. Moreno (D)
Governor Signed: 06/23/2021cConcerning the removal of impediments to cannabis farming, and, in connection therewith, permitting contingency plans to reduce crop loss based on adverse weather and convening a working group to examine measures to reduce cross-pollination, and making an appropriation.05/04/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/21/2021
HB21-HJR1002 Water Projects Eligibility Lists K. Donovan (D)Governor Signed: 03/21/2021cConcerning approval of water project revolving fund eligibility lists administered by the Colorado water resources and power development authority.01/15/2021 
SB21-020 Energy Equipment And Facility Property Tax Valuation A. Valdez (D)
M. Soper (R)
C. Hansen (D)
D. Hisey (R)
Governor Signed: 04/22/2021cConcerning the valuation of property related to renewable energy for purposes of the property tax.02/16/2021Fiscal Notes : 06/28/2021
SB21-033 Conservation Easement Working Group Proposals D. Roberts (D)
P. Will (R)
J. Sonnenberg (R)
F. Winter (D)
House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 06/15/2021cConcerning the adoption of statutory changes related to conservation easements that were recommended by the conservation easement working group convened in accordance with House Bill 19-1264, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.02/16/2021Fiscal Notes : 07/19/2021
SB21-034 Water Resource Financing Enterprise D. Coram (R)Senate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely: 03/11/2021cConcerning the creation of an enterprise that is exempt from the requirements of section 20 of article X of the state constitution to administer a fee-based water resources financing program.02/16/2021Fiscal Notes : 07/28/2021
SB21-054 Transfers For Wildfire Mitigation And Response J. McCluskie (D)B. Rankin (R)
C. Hansen (D)
Governor Signed: 03/21/2021cConcerning transfers from the general fund to cash funds to be used to address wildland fires, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.02/16/2021Fiscal Notes : 08/03/2021
SB21-079 Deregulate Meat Sales Direct To Consumers D. Valdez (D)
R. Pelton (R)
J. Sonnenberg (R)Governor Signed: 04/29/2021cConcerning the sale of animals for consumption to informed end consumers in a manner that exempts the sale from certain laws.02/16/2021Fiscal Notes : 08/17/2021
SB21-087 Agricultural Workers' Rights Y. Caraveo (D)
K. McCormick (D)
D. Moreno (D)
J. Danielson (D)
Governor Signed: 06/25/2021eConcerning agricultural workers' rights, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.02/16/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/07/2021
SB21-105 Implement And Finance Gray Wolf Reintroduction P. Will (R)D. Coram (R)Senate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely: 03/11/2021cConcerning the implementation of proposition 114 concerning the restoration of gray wolves in Colorado.02/18/2021Fiscal Notes : 07/29/2021
SB21-135 Prohibit Certain Animals In Traveling Animal Act M. Froelich (D)
M. Duran (D)
J. Ginal (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
Governor Signed: 05/14/2021cConcerning a prohibition on the use of certain animals in a traveling animal act.02/26/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/20/2021
SB21-189 Colorado Water Conservation Board Construction Fund Project M. Catlin (R)
K. McCormick (D)
K. Donovan (D)Governor Signed: 06/24/2021cConcerning the funding of Colorado water conservation board projects, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/19/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/27/2021
SB21-205 2021-22 Long Appropriations Bill J. McCluskie (D)D. Moreno (D)Governor Signed: 05/17/2021bConcerning the provision for payment of the expenses of the executive, legislative, and judicial departments of the state of Colorado, and of its agencies and institutions, for and during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021, except as otherwise noted.04/05/2021 
SB21-221 Projects Under Wildfire Risk Mitigation Grant Program J. McCluskie (D)B. Rankin (R)
C. Hansen (D)
Governor Signed: 05/04/2021cConcerning projects under the forest restoration and wildfire risk mitigation grant program.04/05/2021Fiscal Notes : 07/20/2021
SB21-234 General Fund Transfer Agriculture And Drought Resiliency L. Cutter (D)
R. Holtorf (R)
J. Sonnenberg (R)
S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
Governor Signed: 06/15/2021bConcerning creation of the agriculture and drought resiliency fund, and, in connection therewith, transferring money from the general fund to the fund and making an appropriation.04/06/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/22/2021
SB21-235 Stimulus Funding Department Of Agriculture Efficiency Programs T. Bernett (D)
K. McCormick (D)
K. Priola (R)
S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
Governor Signed: 06/15/2021bConcerning additional funding for programs of the department of agriculture to support increased efficiency in agricultural operations, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.04/06/2021Fiscal Notes : 08/25/2021
SB21-237 Create Forest Health Council In Department Of Natural Resources J. McCluskie (D)
M. Lynch (R)
K. Donovan (D)Governor Signed: 06/22/2021cConcerning creation of the Colorado forest health council in the department of natural resources, and, in connection therewith, repealing the forest health advisory council within the state forest service and making an appropriation.04/06/2021Fiscal Notes : 08/26/2021
SB21-240 Watershed Restoration Grant Program Stimulus M. Catlin (R)
C. Kipp (D)
J. Danielson (D)
C. Simpson (R)
Governor Signed: 06/15/2021cConcerning the transfer of money from the general fund to the Colorado water conservation board construction fund for watershed protection programs, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.04/12/2021Fiscal Notes : 10/05/2021
SB21-248 Loan Program For Colorado Agriculture R. Holtorf (R)
K. McCormick (D)
K. Donovan (D)
C. Simpson (R)
Governor Signed: 06/29/2021cConcerning assistance for agriculture in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, establishing a loan program in the department of agriculture, transferring money from the general fund to a new agricultural future loan program cash fund to be used for the loan program, and making an appropriation.04/21/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/22/2021
SB21-249 Keep Colorado Wild Annual Pass K. Tipper (D)
P. Will (R)
K. Donovan (D)
S. Fenberg (D)
Governor Signed: 06/21/2021cConcerning the creation of an optional discounted parks and public lands access pass that is purchased at the time a motor vehicle is registered, and, in connection therewith, using the pass fees to finance a number of goals of the division of parks and wildlife related to increased conservation of, safety at, and access to state parks and public lands; and making an appropriation.04/23/2021Fiscal Notes : 10/05/2021
SB21-258 Wildfire Risk Mitigation M. Froelich (D)
M. Snyder (D)
R. Hanks (R)
J. Ginal (D)
B. Rankin (R)
Governor Signed: 06/15/2021cConcerning the administration of state assistance programs to mitigate the risk of wildfire, and, in connection therewith, creating the wildfire mitigation capacity development fund and the hazard mitigation fund; transferring money into specially designed wildfire funds; and making an appropriation.04/29/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/13/2021
SB21-262 Special District Transparency H. McKean (R)
S. Bird (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
R. Gardner (R)
Governor Signed: 06/28/2021cConcerning transparency for special districts.05/05/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/14/2021
SB21-281 State Severance Tax Trust Fund Allocation K. Ransom (R)
J. McCluskie (D)
B. Rankin (R)
C. Hansen (D)
Governor Signed: 06/18/2021cConcerning severance tax revenue, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.05/19/2021Fiscal Notes : 10/07/2021
SB21-291 Economic Recovery And Relief Cash Fund K. Van Winkle (R)
D. Roberts (D)
C. Holbert (R)
S. Fenberg (D)
Governor Signed: 06/21/2021cConcerning the transfer of forty million dollars to the Colorado economic development fund for the purpose of providing grants to businesses and for investing in economic development opportunities in response to the negative economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic from the newly created economic recovery and relief cash fund which fund consists of certain money that the state receives from the federal coronavirus state fiscal recovery fund, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.05/28/2021Fiscal Notes : 09/13/2021
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