
Bill Tracker

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Bill No. Title Intro DateHouse SponsorsSenate SponsorsStatusPositionHearing DateCCW Summary
HB19-1006 Wildfire Mitigation Wildland-urban Interface Areas 01/04/2019B. McLachlan (D)
T. Carver (R)
R. Fields (D)Governor Signed: 05/31/2019b
HB19-1015 Recreation Of The Colorado Water Institute 01/04/2019J. Arndt (D)J. Ginal (D)Governor Signed: 02/20/2019c
HB19-1026 Parks And Wildlife Violations Of Law 01/04/2019M. Catlin (R)
J. McCluskie (D)
D. Coram (R)
K. Donovan (D)
Governor Signed: 06/03/2019c
HB19-1029 Republican River Water Conservation District 01/04/2019J. Arndt (D)L. Crowder (R)Governor Signed: 04/16/2019c
HB19-1050 Encourage Use Of Xeriscape In Common Areas 01/04/2019B. Titone (D)K. Priola (R)
F. Winter (D)
Governor Signed: 03/07/2019c
HB19-1071 Colorado Department Of Public Health And Environment Water Quality Control 01/11/2019H. McKean (R)R. Zenzinger (D)Governor Signed: 03/07/2019c
HB19-1082 Water Rights Easements 01/11/2019M. Catlin (R)
D. Valdez (D)
D. Coram (R)Governor Signed: 03/28/2019a
HB19-1091 Conservation Easement Transparency 01/14/2019House Committee on Rural Affairs & Agriculture Postpone Indefinitely: 02/04/2019c
HB19-1102 Nonanimal And Lab-grown Meat Misbranding 01/14/2019R. Pelton (R)J. Sonnenberg (R)
J. Ginal (D)
House Committee on Public Health Care & Human Services Postpone Indefinitely: 03/01/2019c
HB19-1108 Nonresident Electors And Special Districts 01/14/2019L. Liston (R)
E. Hooton (D)
J. Tate (R)Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 03/06/2019c
HB19-1113 Protect Water Quality Adverse Mining Impacts 01/15/2019D. Roberts (D)
B. McLachlan (D)
K. Donovan (D)Governor Signed: 04/04/2019c
HB19-1114 Agriculture Commissioner Farm Produce Safety 01/15/2019M. Catlin (R)
D. Valdez (D)
J. Danielson (D)
J. Cooke (R)
Governor Signed: 04/04/2019c
HB19-1210 Local Government Minimum Wage 02/25/2019J. Melton (D)
R. Galindo (D)
J. Danielson (D)
D. Moreno (D)
Governor Signed: 05/28/2019c
HB19-1218 Loaned Water For Instream Flows To Improve Environment 03/04/2019D. Roberts (D)K. Donovan (D)Senate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely: 04/17/2019c
HB19-1247 Study Agricultural Applications For Blockchain 03/15/2019D. Valdez (D)
M. Catlin (R)
K. Donovan (D)
D. Coram (R)
Governor Signed: 05/30/2019c
HB19-1259 Species Conservation Trust Fund Projects 03/20/2019D. Roberts (D)
R. Pelton (R)
K. Donovan (D)Governor Signed: 05/17/2019c
HB19-1261 Climate Action Plan To Reduce Pollution 03/21/2019K. Becker (D)
D. Jackson (D)
F. Winter (D)
A. Williams (D)
Governor Signed: 05/30/2019c
HB19-1271 Augmention Of Instream Flows 03/25/2019J. Arndt (D)D. Coram (R)Senate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely: 04/17/2019c
HB19-1329 Wholesale Sales Agricultural Fertilizer Tax Exempt 04/23/2019J. Arndt (D)
H. McKean (R)
J. Sonnenberg (R)
L. Garcia (D)
Governor Signed: 05/23/2019c
HB19-HJR1005 Water Projects Eligibility Lists 01/10/2019D. Roberts (D)K. Donovan (D)Governor Signed: 02/20/2019c
SB19-016 Severance Tax Operational Fund Distribution Methodology 01/04/2019L. Saine (R)
D. Esgar (D)
D. Coram (R)
K. Donovan (D)
Governor Signed: 04/01/2019c
SB19-037 Wildfire Mitigation 01/04/2019R. Woodward (R)Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 01/28/2019c
SB19-040 Establish Colorado Fire Commission 01/04/2019T. Carver (R)
D. Roberts (D)
R. Fields (D)
D. Hisey (R)
Governor Signed: 06/03/2019b
SB19-067 Rural Development Grant Program Creation 01/10/2019B. McLachlan (D)
J. Arndt (D)
D. Coram (R)Senate Second Reading Laid Over Daily - No Amendments: 05/01/2019c
SB19-150 Sunset Public Livestock Markets 02/21/2019B. Buentello (D)
R. Pelton (R)
K. Donovan (D)
J. Sonnenberg (R)
Governor Signed: 05/20/2019c
SB19-181 Protect Public Welfare Oil And Gas Operations 03/01/2019K. Becker (D)
Y. Caraveo (D)
S. Fenberg (D)
M. Foote (D)
Governor Signed: 04/16/2019e
SB19-184 Authority Colorado Water Institute Study Blockchain Technology 03/05/2019J. Arndt (D)
M. Catlin (R)
J. Tate (R)Senate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely: 03/21/2019c
SB19-186 Expand Agricultural Chemical Management Program Protect Surface Water 03/05/2019J. Arndt (D)
M. Catlin (R)
K. Donovan (D)
D. Coram (R)
Governor Signed: 06/03/2019c
SB19-188 FAMLI Family Medical Leave Insurance Program 03/07/2019M. Gray (D)
M. Duran (D)
F. Winter (D)
A. Williams (D)
Governor Signed: 05/30/2019c
SB19-207 FY 2019-20 Long Bill 03/25/2019D. Esgar (D)D. Moreno (D)Governor Signed: 04/18/2019a
SB19-212 Appropriation General Fund Implement State Water Plan 03/25/2019D. Esgar (D)B. Rankin (R)Governor Signed: 04/17/2019c
SB19-220 Hemp Regulation Alignment With 2018 Federal Farm Bill 03/29/2019L. Saine (R)
J. Arndt (D)
V. Marble (R)
S. Fenberg (D)
Governor Signed: 05/29/2019c
SB19-221 CO Water Conservation Board Construction Fund Project 03/29/2019D. Roberts (D)K. Donovan (D)Governor Signed: 06/03/2019c
SB19-240 Industrial Hemp Products Regulation 04/15/2019B. McLachlan (D)
L. Saine (R)
V. Marble (R)
S. Fenberg (D)
Governor Signed: 05/29/2019c
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