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Legislative Year: 2023 Change

Old State Library
Time: 1:30 PM

HB23-1222 Duran and Weissman--Cases Of Domestic Violence
In Municipal Court
HB23-1293 Weissman and Soper--Felony Sentencing
Commission Recommendations
HB23-1292 Weissman and Soper--Enhanced Sentencing CO
Commn Crim and Juv Jus Rec
HB23-1286 Armagost and Duran--Increase Penalty Cruelty Police
and Service Animals
SB23-088 Winter T. and Martinez--Sentence Served Before
Parole and Notify Victim
SB23-022 Bird--Possession Of Weapon By Previous Offender
SB23-024 Pugliese--First Amendment Collateral Challenge Ct
SB23-203 Soper and Marshall--Authorize DOC Inspector Gen
To Apprehend Fugitives

Bills being heard:
    HB23-1222 Cases Of Domestic Violence In Municipal Court
    HB23-1286 Increase Penalty Cruelty Police And Service Animals
    HB23-1292 Enhanced Sentencing Colorado Commission On Criminal And Juvenile Justice Recommendations
    HB23-1293 Felony Sentencing Commission Recommendations
    SB23-022 Possession Of Weapon By Previous Offender Crimes
    SB23-024 First Amendment Collateral Challenge Court Order
    SB23-088 Sentence Served Before Parole And Notify Victim
    SB23-203 Authorize Department Of Corrections Inspector General To Apprehend Fugitives
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