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Legislative Year: 2023 Change

Old State Library
Time: 7:30 AM

HB23-1076 Daugherty--Workers' Compensation
HB23-1078 Willford--Unemployment Compensation Dependent
HB23-1081 Lindstedt and Taggart--Employee Ownership Tax
Credit Expansion
HB23-1088 Martinez--Veterans Mental Health Session
Reimbursement Prog
HB23-1133 Lindsay and Amabile--Cost Of Phone Calls For
Persons In Custody
HB23-1138 Amabile and Soper--Procedures Related To Adult
HB23-1174 Amabile--Homeowner's Insurance Underinsurance
HB23-1199 Froelich and Soper--Forensic Medical Evidence
Process Improvements
HB23-1210 Dickson--Carbon Management
HB23-1223 Bacon and English--Task Force To Prioritize Grants
Target Population
HB23-1240 Brown and Amabile--Sales Use Tax Exemption
Wildfire Disaster Constr
HB23-1242 Boesenecker and Joseph--Water Conservation In Oil
and Gas Operations
HB23-1247 Lukens and Winter T.--Assess Advanced Energy
Solutions In Rural Colorado
HB23-1252 Lieder and Kipp--Thermal Energy
HB23-1260 Soper and Valdez--Advanced Industry Semiconductor
Mfg Incentives
HB23-1267 McCluskie and Soper--Double Fines Speeding Trucks
On Steep Grades
HB23-1270 Garcia and Lindsay--Creation Of Urgent Incident
Response Fund
HB23-1274 McCormick and Catlin--Species Conservation Trust
Fund Projects
HB23-1277 Marshall and Taggart--Reporting Adjustments To
Taxable Income
SB23-006 McLachlan and Catlin--Creation Of The Rural
Opportunity Office
SB23-012 Catlin and Froelich--Commercial Motor Carrier
Enforcement Safety Laws
SB23-017 Willford and Joseph--Additional Uses Paid Sick
SB23-036 Armagost and Ortiz--Veterans With Disab Prop Tax
Exemption Reqmnts
SB23-039 Amabile--Reduce Child and Incarcerated Parent
SB23-049 Snyder and Bockenfeld--Special Mobile Machinery
Registration Exemption
SB23-058 Willford and Young--Job Application Fairness Act
SB23-061 Kipp and Lukens--Eliminate State Assessment In
Social Studies

Bills being heard:
    HB23-1076 Workers' Compensation
    HB23-1078 Unemployment Compensation Dependent Allowance
    HB23-1081 Employee Ownership Tax Credit Expansion
    HB23-1088 Veterans Mental Health Session Reimbursement Program
    HB23-1133 Cost Of Phone Calls For Persons In Custody
    HB23-1138 Procedures Related To Adult Competency
    HB23-1174 Homeowner's Insurance Underinsurance
    HB23-1199 Forensic Medical Evidence Process Improvements
    HB23-1210 Carbon Management
    HB23-1223 Task Force To Prioritize Grants Target Population
    HB23-1240 Sales Use Tax Exemption Wildfire Disaster Construction
    HB23-1242 Water Conservation In Oil And Gas Operations
    HB23-1247 Assess Advanced Energy Solutions In Rural Colorado
    HB23-1252 Thermal Energy
    HB23-1260 Advanced Industry and Semiconductor Manufacturing Incentives
    HB23-1267 Double Fines Speeding Trucks On Steep Grades
    HB23-1270 Creation Of Urgent Incident Response Fund
    HB23-1274 Species Conservation Trust Fund Projects
    HB23-1277 Reporting Adjustments To Taxable Income
    SB23-006 Creation Of The Rural Opportunity Office
    SB23-012 Commercial Motor Carrier Enforcement Safety Laws
    SB23-017 Additional Uses Paid Sick Leave
    SB23-036 Veterans With Disab Prop Tax Exemption Reqmnts
    SB23-039 Reduce Child And Incarcerated Parent Separation
    SB23-049 Special Mobile Machinery Registration Exemption
    SB23-058 Job Application Fairness Act
    SB23-061 Eliminate State Assessment In Social Studies
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