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Byron Pelton either initiated these bills in his/her own chamber or is the invited primary sponsor in the other chamber.

Action on sponsored bills:

Total bills sponsored: 32
Bills signed by the governor 22
Bills vetoed by the governor 0
Bills postponed indefinitely 7
  Bill No. Title Sponsor Subject Status Date
House Committee Senate Committee Flag Note
back to top HB24-1446 Professional Development for Science Teachers House:
B. McLachlan (D)
A. Hartsook (R)
J. Buckner (D)
B. Pelton (R)
- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Governor Signed04/09/202405/03/2024EducationEducation  2
back to top HB24-1441 State Board of Nursing Size Fix House:
B. McLachlan (D)
E. Epps (D)
N. Hinrichsen (D)
B. Pelton (R)
- Crimes, Corrections, & Enforcement
- Professions & Occupations
Governor Signed04/09/202404/25/2024State, Civic, Military and Veterans AffairsHealth and Human Services  2
back to top HB24-1369 Colorado Agriculture Special License Plate House:
M. Martinez (D)
R. Holtorf (R)
B. Pelton (R)
J. Marchman (D)
- Agriculture
- Transportation & Motor Vehicles
Governor Signed03/11/202405/07/2024Agriculture, Water and Natural ResourcesFinanceDisregard 2
back to top HB24-1344 Sunset Plumbing Board House:
N. Ricks (D)
S. Lieder (D)
R. Fields (D)
B. Pelton (R)
- Business & Economic Development
- Professions & Occupations
Governor Signed02/26/202405/02/2024Business Affairs and LaborBusiness, Labor and Technology  2
back to top HB24-1306 Increase Penalty Possession of Synthetic Opiates House:
M. Lynch (R)
B. Pelton (R)
- Crimes, Corrections, & Enforcement
House Committee on Judiciary Postpone Indefinitely02/14/202403/06/2024Judiciary  2
back to top HB24-1284 Pretrial Release for Repeat Violent Offenses House:
S. Bird (D)
G. Evans (R)
D. Roberts (D)
B. Pelton (R)
- Crimes, Corrections, & Enforcement
House Committee on Judiciary Postpone Indefinitely02/13/202404/02/2024Judiciary  2
back to top HB24-1273 Sunset Continue Veterans Assistance Grant Program House:
J. Parenti (D)
N. Hinrichsen (D)
B. Pelton (R)
- Military & Veterans
Governor Signed02/13/202404/26/2024State, Civic, Military and Veterans AffairsState, Veterans and Military Affairs  2
back to top HB24-1271 State Income Tax Credit for Veterinary Professional House:
K. McCormick (D)
M. Lynch (R)
J. Ginal (D)
B. Pelton (R)
- Fiscal Policy & Taxes
House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed02/13/202404/10/2024Agriculture, Water and Natural Resources  2
back to top HB24-1269 Modification of Recording Fees House:
T. Mauro (D)
L. Frizell (R)
C. Kolker (D)
B. Pelton (R)
- Local Government
Governor Signed02/13/202404/23/2024Transportation, Housing and Local GovernmentFinance  2
back to top HB24-1263 Licensure of Electricians House:
D. Wilson (R)
B. Pelton (R)
- Professions & Occupations
House Committee on Business Affairs & Labor Postpone Indefinitely02/13/202403/06/2024Business Affairs and Labor  2
back to top HB24-1236 Women Veterans Appreciation Day House:
R. Holtorf (R)
J. Parenti (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
B. Pelton (R)
- Military & Veterans
Governor Signed02/12/202404/24/2024State, Civic, Military and Veterans AffairsState, Veterans and Military Affairs  2
back to top HB24-1219 First Responder Employer Health Benefit Trusts House:
J. McCluskie (D)
M. Lynch (R)
K. Mullica (D)
B. Pelton (R)
- Fiscal Policy & Taxes
Governor Signed02/07/202405/06/2024FinanceFinance  2
back to top HB24-1143 Construction Bidding Cost Thresholds for Department of Transportation Projects House:
M. Catlin (R)
F. Winter (D)
B. Pelton (R)
- State Government
Governor Signed01/29/202403/18/2024Transportation, Housing and Local GovernmentTransportation and Energy  2
back to top HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits House:
M. Duran (D)
R. Holtorf (R)
J. Joseph (D)
F. Winter (D)
B. Pelton (R)
- Fiscal Policy & Taxes
- State Revenue & Budget
Governor Signed01/29/202405/07/2024FinanceFinance  2
back to top HB24-1126 Substance Use Disorder Treatment as Bond Condition House:
M. Lynch (R)
B. Pelton (R)
- Courts & Judicial
House Committee on Judiciary Postpone Indefinitely01/29/202402/27/2024Judiciary  2
back to top HB24-1111 Adopt Cosmetology Licensure Compact House:
M. Martinez (D)
D. Wilson (R)
B. Pelton (R)
- Professions & Occupations
- State Government
Governor Signed01/26/202404/26/2024Business Affairs and LaborState, Veterans and Military Affairs  2
back to top HB24-1099 Defendant Filing Fees in Evictions House:
M. Soper (R)
M. Lindsay (D)
J. Buckner (D)
B. Pelton (R)
- Courts & Judicial
Governor Signed01/25/202404/25/2024Transportation, Housing and Local GovernmentJudiciary  2
back to top HB24-1081 Regulate Sale Transfer Sodium Nitrite House:
M. Catlin (R)
J. Amabile (D)
D. Roberts (D)
B. Pelton (R)
- Public Health
Governor Signed01/10/202403/19/2024Business Affairs and LaborBusiness, Labor and Technology  2
back to top HB24-1048 Providing Veterinary Services Through Telehealth House:
M. Martinez (D)
K. McCormick (D)
J. Ginal (D)
B. Pelton (R)
- Agriculture
- Health Care & Health Insurance
- Professions & Occupations
- Telecommunications & Information Technology
Governor Signed01/10/202402/21/2024Agriculture, Water and Natural ResourcesAgriculture and Natural Resources  2
back to top HB24-1027 Exemption for Children's Products House:
T. Winter (R)
B. Pelton (R)
- Fiscal Policy & Taxes
House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed01/10/202402/05/2024Finance  2
back to top SB24-213 Exempt Certain Structures from County Regulation Senate:
S. Fenberg (D)
B. Pelton (R)
J. Amabile (D)
R. Pugliese (R)
- Local Government
House Committee on State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Postpone Indefinitely04/22/202405/04/2024State, Civic, Military and Veterans AffairsState, Veterans and Military Affairs  2
back to top SB24-210 Modifications to Laws Regarding Elections Senate:
S. Fenberg (D)
B. Pelton (R)
E. Sirota (D)
- Elections & Redistricting
Governor Signed04/17/202405/04/2024State, Civic, Military and Veterans AffairsState, Veterans and Military Affairs  2
back to top SB24-172 Hemp Product Definition Marijuana Regulation Senate:
B. Pelton (R)
B. McLachlan (D)
- Liquor, Tobacco, & Marijuana
Governor Signed03/04/202404/08/2024Agriculture, Water and Natural ResourcesAgriculture and Natural Resources  2
back to top SB24-129 Nonprofit Member Data Privacy & Public Agencies Senate:
C. Kolker (D)
B. Pelton (R)
C. deGruy Kennedy (D)
L. Frizell (R)
- Local Government
- State Government
Governor Signed02/06/202405/01/2024Business Affairs and LaborBusiness, Labor and Technology  2
back to top SB24-128 Repeal Colorado Department of Transportation 2011 Recommendation Requirement Senate:
N. Hinrichsen (D)
B. Pelton (R)
B. McLachlan (D)
B. Bradley (R)
- Transportation & Motor Vehicles
Governor Signed02/06/202403/26/2024Transportation, Housing and Local GovernmentTransportation and Energy  2
back to top SB24-125 Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children Senate:
D. Michaelson Jenet (D)
B. Pelton (R)
A. Boesenecker (D)
G. Evans (R)
- Children & Domestic Matters
Governor Signed02/06/202404/16/2024Health and Human ServicesHealth and Human Services  2
back to top SB24-109 Continue Colorado Veterans' Service-to-Career Program Senate:
N. Hinrichsen (D)
B. Pelton (R)
D. Ortiz (D)
A. Hartsook (R)
- Labor & Employment
- Military & Veterans
Governor Signed02/05/202405/07/2024State, Civic, Military and Veterans AffairsState, Veterans and Military Affairs  2
back to top SB24-103 Labor & Employment Statutes Technical Changes Senate:
J. Ginal (D)
B. Pelton (R)
B. McLachlan (D)
- Labor & Employment
Governor Signed01/26/202403/07/2024Business Affairs and LaborBusiness, Labor and Technology  2
back to top SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Senate:
B. Pelton (R)
R. Pugliese (R)
- Local Government
Senate Committee on Local Government & Housing Postpone Indefinitely01/24/202402/29/2024Local Government and Housing  2
back to top SB24-091 Rights-of-Way Permits for Broadband Deployment Senate:
K. Mullica (D)
B. Pelton (R)
M. Martinez (D)
M. Catlin (R)
- State Government
Senate Committee on Transportation & Energy Postpone Indefinitely01/24/202405/01/2024Transportation and Energy  2
back to top SB24-043 Authorizing Direct-to-Consumer Sales of Raw Milk Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
B. Pelton (R)
J. McCluskie (D)
- Agriculture
Senate Second Reading Lost - No Amendments01/12/202404/23/2024Agriculture and Natural Resources  2
back to top SB24-035 Strengthening Enforcement of Human Trafficking Senate:
R. Fields (D)
B. Pelton (R)
M. Duran (D)
T. Winter (R)
- Crimes, Corrections, & Enforcement
Governor Signed01/10/202403/12/2024JudiciaryJudiciary  2
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