
Bill Detail: SB24-SCR001

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Title Child Sexual Abuse Accountability Amendment
Status Senate Third Reading Lost - No Amendments (04/17/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Civil Law
House Sponsors M. Weissman (D)
M. Duran (D)
Senate Sponsors R. Fields (D)
J. Danielson (D)
House Committee
Senate Committee Judiciary
Date Introduced 01/31/2024

The Colorado constitution prohibits the general assembly from
enacting law that is retrospective in its operation. The concurrent
resolution amends the Colorado constitution to authorize the general
assembly to pass a retrospective law that permits a victim of sexual abuse
that occurred while the victim was a minor to bring a civil claim for the
sexual abuse. The concurrent resolution permits the general assembly to
waive governmental immunity, by a law that is retrospective in its
operation, for a child sexual abuse civil claim.

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