
Bill Detail: SB24-219

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Title Colorado Roadside & Outdoor Recreation Industry Enterprise
Status Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Appropriations (04/25/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Transportation & Motor Vehicles
House Sponsors S. Bird (D)
R. Taggart (R)
Senate Sponsors J. Bridges (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
House Committee
Senate Committee Appropriations
Date Introduced 04/25/2024

Joint budget committee. Under current law, the department of
transportation (department) administers business and tourist-oriented
directional sign programs (sign programs). As part of the sign programs,
the department may:
  • Erect, administer, and maintain signs within highway
rights-of-way and issue permits for business signs to be
installed on those signs; and
  • Issue permits and adopt rules for the erection,
administration, and maintenance of tourist-oriented
directional signs.
The bill creates the Colorado roadside improvement and outdoor
recreational industry promotional enterprise (enterprise) and allows the
department to contract with the enterprise to implement all or part of the
sign programs.
In addition to implementing the sign programs, the enterprise
assists in maintaining rest areas and administers the outdoor recreational
industry promotional grant program. To finance these purposes, the
enterprise may impose a fee on persons who participate in the sign
programs. The fee must be collected at rates that are reasonably
calculated based on the fair market value of the costs of implementing,
modernizing, improving, and maintaining the sign programs and inflation.
In maintaining rest areas, the enterprise may work with the
department, other state agencies, local governments, or private entities as
necessary to assist in modernizing rest areas and in the maintenance of
roadside in Colorado and reducing the number of people experiencing
homelessness within state public rights-of-way.
In administering the outdoor recreational industry promotional
grant program, the enterprise shall collaborate with the Colorado outdoor
recreation industry office to administer the grant program and award
grants for promoting the outdoor recreational industry.

Committee Reports
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Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (08/05/2024) (most recent)  
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