
Bill Detail: SB24-095

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Title Air Quality Ozone Levels
Status House Committee on Finance Postpone Indefinitely (05/07/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Natural Resources & Environment
  • Public Health
House Sponsors J. Bacon (D)
G. Evans (R)
Senate Sponsors R. Rodriguez (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
House Committee Finance
Senate Committee Transportation and Energy
Date Introduced 01/24/2024

Sections 1 and 2 of the bill create a high-emitter vehicle program
for owners of motor vehicles that are not in compliance with emission
standards and that have been issued a certification of emissions waiver
(qualified vehicle). If the owner of a qualified vehicle resides in a
nonattainment area for ozone and has unsuccessfully attempted to have
the motor vehicle repaired to cure the noncompliance, the owner is
eligible for a voucher of $850. The vouchers may be redeemed at
qualified repair facilities that will bring the vehicle into compliance. The
high-emitter vehicle program is funded by using up to 20% of the money
in the AIR account in the highway users tax fund.
The high-emitter vehicle program is administered by the
nonattainment area air pollution mitigation enterprise, in coordination
with the department of revenue, contractors that provide inspection
services, and the clean screen authority. The high-emitter vehicle program
repeals when Colorado meets federal ozone national ambient air quality
standards (attainment).
Section 3 requires the air quality control commission
(commission) to create, in coordination with the lead agency for air
quality planing for the Denver metropolitan area, a garden rebate program
to increase the use of small electric motors used for outdoor power
equipment. The program must:
  • Provide a point-of-purchase rebate of the lesser of $150 or
one-third of the price for each piece of outdoor power
equipment purchased by the end user in a nonattainment
area for ozone;
  • Establish a registration system for qualified retailers; and
  • Require the division to publicize the garden rebate
The division of administration in the department of public health
and environment (division) administers the garden rebate program, and
the commission sets standards for qualified retailers to register for the
program. If the garden rebate program exceeds its appropriation, the
division may pause the program. The garden rebate program repeals
January 1, 2030. Section 4 repeals the current tax credit for buying lawn
and garden equipment with an electric motor.
In current law, the clean fleet enterprise (enterprise) incentivizes
and supports the use of electric motor vehicles for certain fleet uses,
including transportation network companies. Sections 5 and 6:
  • Expand the program to include light-duty trucks;
  • Authorize the clean fleet enterprise to provide grants of up
to 80% of a local government's cost of acquiring motor
vehicles that emit low levels of nitrogen oxides for the
local government to use in its motor vehicle fleet; and
  • Require the enterprise to prioritize making grants to local
The grant program authorization and prioritization repeal December 31,
Section 7 requires the division to regularly perform, in the
nonattainment area for ozone, photochemical modeling studies and data
analysis designed to determine ambient air ozone levels and the
effectiveness of policies for lowering ambient air ozone levels. The
division is required to publish the results to the division's website and
report the results to the commission and at its SMART Act hearing.
Section 7 is repealed when Colorado achieves attainment.

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Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (07/18/2024) (most recent)  
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