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Legislative Year: 2023 Change

Bill Detail: SB23-166

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Title Establishment Of A Wildfire Resiliency Code Board
Status Governor Signed (05/12/2023)
Bill Subjects
  • State Government
House Sponsors M. Froelich (D)
E. Velasco (D)
Senate Sponsors T. Exum Sr. (D)
L. Cutter (D)
House Committee Transportation, Housing and Local Government
Senate Committee Local Government and Housing
Date Introduced 02/17/2023

The bill establishes a wildfire resiliency code board (board) in the
division of fire prevention and control (division) within the department
of public safety (department) for the purposes of ensuring community
safety from and more resiliency to wildfires by reducing the risk of
wildfires to people and property through the adoption of statewide codes
and standards. The board consists of 21 appointed voting members with
specific government or industry qualifications and 3 non-voting members.
The board is required to promulgate rules concerning the adoption and
administration of codes and standards for the hardening of structures and
parcels in the wildland-urban interface in Colorado, including rules that:
  • Define the wildland-urban interface and identify areas of
the state that are within it;
  • Adopt minimum codes and standards based on best
practices to reduce the risk to life and property from the
effects of wildfires;
  • Identify hazards and types of buildings, entities, and
defensible space around structures to which the codes
apply; and
  • Establish a process for a governing body to petition the
board for a modification to the codes and establish the
criteria and process for the board to grant or deny an appeal
from a decision of the board on a petition for modification.
The bill also creates the wildfire resiliency code board cash fund
and continuously appropriates the money in the fund to the department to
implement the provisions of the bill.
The bill requires a governing body with jurisdiction in an area
within the wildland-urban interface to adopt and enforce a code that
meets or exceeds the minimum standards of the codes adopted by the
board. Enforcement of the codes is done in accordance with the rules and
regulations for code enforcement adopted by the governing body. If the
governing body does not have rules and regulations for code enforcement,
the governing body may request support from the division to enforce the

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