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Legislative Year: 2025 Change

Bill Detail: HB25-1216

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Title State Agencies Implement Zero-Based Budgeting
Status Introduced In House - Assigned to Appropriations (02/11/2025)
Bill Subjects
  • State Government
  • State Revenue & Budget
House Sponsors M. Brooks (R)
Senate Sponsors J. Carson (R)
House Committee Appropriations
Senate Committee
Date Introduced 02/11/2025
AI Summary

The bill introduces a zero-based budgeting (ZBB) system for state agencies, beginning in fiscal year 2026-27. Here’s a breakdown of the bill's provisions:

Key Provisions:
  1. Implementation of Zero-Based Budgeting:

    • Fiscal Year 2026-27: The Department of Revenue, Department of Education, and Department of Transportation must begin using zero-based budgeting. This means that each year, all expenses (both existing and new) must be justified from scratch, and every function must be analyzed for its needs and costs.
    • Fiscal Year 2027-28 and Beyond: All state agencies within every principal department are required to adopt zero-based budgeting when submitting their budget requests.
  2. Training and Support:

    • In fiscal year 2026-27, the Office of State Planning and Budgeting must provide zero-based budgeting training and resources to state agencies. This includes developing and distributing digital materials and offering virtual training sessions to help agencies implement the method.
    • In fiscal year 2027-28 and beyond, the office is tasked with submitting an annual report to the General Assembly evaluating the effectiveness of the zero-based budgeting process.
  3. Public Accessibility and Oversight:

    • Public Access: Budget requests that follow the zero-based budgeting method must be made publicly available on the General Assembly’s website.
    • State Auditor’s Role: The State Auditor will conduct periodic financial audits to ensure compliance with the zero-based budgeting requirements.
  • To promote greater accountability and efficiency in state government budgeting by ensuring that every expenditure is justified annually, rather than assuming previous budgets are automatically continued.
  • To provide transparency by making all budget requests publicly available and subject to review by the state auditor.

This reform seeks to enhance fiscal responsibility by requiring a detailed evaluation of each agency's budget request, rather than simply building upon prior years' budgets.


In state fiscal year 2026-27, the bill requires the department of
revenue, the department of education, and the department of
transportation to implement a budgeting method in which all expenses,
both existing and new, must be justified for the fiscal year and every
function is analyzed for its needs and costs (zero-based budgeting) when
submitting a budget request. In state fiscal year 2027-28 and each state
fiscal year thereafter, the bill requires all state agencies in all principal
departments to implement zero-based budgeting when submitting a
budget request.
In state fiscal year 2026-27 and each state fiscal year thereafter, the
office of state planning and budgeting is required to develop and digitally
distribute to state agencies information related to zero-based budgeting
training and to provide virtual sessions for the purpose of training state
agencies to implement zero-based budgeting. In state fiscal year 2027-28
and each state fiscal year thereafter, the office of state planning and
budgeting is required to submit to the general assembly an annual report
detailing the effectiveness of zero-based budgeting.
All budget requests that implement zero-based budgeting must be
publicly accessible on the general assembly's website, and the state
auditor is required to conduct periodic financial audits to ensure state
agencies' compliance with zero-based budgeting requirements.

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