Section 2 of the bill establishes the Regional Planning Roundtable Commission, which will operate under the Department of Local Affairs. Here are the key points of the section:
15-member board with members serving 2-year terms.
Key Purposes of the Commission:
Assisting Local Governments:
Help local governments comply with statutory requirements related to housing, land use, and other planning matters.
Access to Resources:
Aid local governments in accessing state and federal resources and technical assistance for meeting statutory planning and housing needs.
Regional Collaboration:
Work with local governments to create, manage, and revise regions as needed, forming regional roundtables to address regional housing, land use, and other planning challenges.
Regional Roundtable Establishment:
Assist in establishing regional roundtables to address challenges and opportunities related to housing, land use, or other planning areas at a regional level.
The fund can now be used to support the planning, establishment, and implementation of the Regional Planning Roundtable Commission.
The bill aims to improve regional cooperation on planning issues by creating a commission that can guide local governments in managing housing, land use, and planning requirements. This will help local entities address regional challenges and ensure compliance with statutory planning requirements. The Housing Needs Planning Technical Assistance Fund will be used to support the implementation and activities of the commission.
Section 2 of the bill creates the regional planning roundtable
commission (commission) within the department of local affairs. The commission is a 15-member board with members who serve 2-year terms. The purposes of the commission include:
Assisting local governments in complying with statutory housing, land use, or other planning requirements;
Assisting local governments in accessing state and federal resources and technical assistance for complying with statutory housing, land use, or other planning requirements;
In cooperation with local governments, creating, managing, and revising regions as necessary for the purpose of establishing a regional roundtable to address regional housing, land use, or other planning challenges and opportunities; and
Assisting local governments in establishing a regional roundtable to address regional housing, land use, or other planning challenges and opportunities. Section 3 allows money in the housing needs planning technical
assistance fund to be used for the planning, establishment, and implementation of the commission.