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Legislative Year: 2024 Change

Bill Detail: HB24-SAMK

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Title Modify Constitutional Election Deadlines
Status On the 2024 Ballot (09/19/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Elections & Redistricting
House Sponsors K. Brown (D)
L. Frizell (R)
Senate Sponsors S. Fenberg (D)
B. Pelton (R)
House Committee State, Civic, Military and Veterans Affairs
Senate Committee State, Veterans and Military Affairs
Date Introduced 04/19/2024

Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution concerning the modification of certain deadlines in connection with specified elections?

AI Summary based on What is the Impact on CO Elections:

Amending the Colorado Constitution to modify certain deadlines in connection with specified elections could have several implications, and whether or not this amendment should occur depends on the context and the specifics of the proposal. Below are the key considerations for such an amendment:

Efficiency and Practicality

  • Adaptability to Changing Conditions: Modifying deadlines might improve the efficiency of election administration by allowing for flexibility in response to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., natural disasters, public health emergencies, or logistical challenges). For example, extending the deadlines for voter registration, ballot submission, or candidate filing might ensure greater participation in elections.
  • Addressing Modern Election Needs: As voting technology and processes evolve (such as increased reliance on mail-in ballots and early voting), certain deadlines might need to be adjusted to accommodate these methods, ensuring that voters have adequate time to participate.

Impact on Election Integrity

  • Preventing Chaos or Confusion: Modifying election-related deadlines in the constitution could prevent last-minute changes to election procedures, which could lead to voter confusion, miscommunication, or administrative errors. Having clear and consistent deadlines that can be planned for well in advance may promote a smoother election process.
  • Safeguarding Against Disruption: Fixed deadlines, especially for voter registration and ballot submission, help safeguard against any potential disruptions or attempts to manipulate the election timeline to favor certain groups or candidates. Modifications would need to ensure that any changes don’t undermine the security and fairness of elections.

Voter Access and Participation

  • Increased Voter Access: Changing certain deadlines (e.g., extending the time to register to vote or return mail-in ballots) could increase voter turnout by providing more opportunities for people to participate. This is particularly important for marginalized groups or those who face barriers to voting, such as individuals with disabilities, military personnel stationed overseas, or voters in rural areas.
  • Impact on Mail-in Voting and Early Voting: Colorado is known for its robust mail-in voting system, and modifying deadlines may help streamline the process, particularly by extending the time to receive and count mail-in ballots, which can improve accuracy and reduce the risk of disenfranchisement.

Constitutional Flexibility vs. Rigid Deadlines

  • Rigidity in the Constitution: Election deadlines in the state constitution can be overly rigid, making it difficult to adapt to new circumstances or emerging election technologies. Modifying these deadlines could help modernize the system and provide more flexibility for future adjustments without requiring additional constitutional amendments.
  • Risk of Frequent Changes: If deadlines are enshrined too rigidly in the constitution, they might become outdated as electoral processes evolve, and Colorado would have to continue amending its constitution to keep up with new developments. A more flexible framework might reduce the need for frequent amendments.

Potential Downsides

  • Risk of Partisan Manipulation: Modifying election deadlines, especially close to an election, could be viewed by some as an attempt to gain political advantage, depending on how and why the deadlines are being changed. Transparency and clear rationale for the changes would be crucial to prevent partisan manipulation.
  • Administrative Burden: Election administrators might face increased challenges or costs if deadlines are extended too far, especially if they result in prolonged election periods or delay the certification of results. There needs to be a balance between allowing enough time for voters to participate and ensuring elections can be concluded promptly and accurately.

Public Opinion and Trust

  • Maintaining Public Trust: Any changes to election procedures, including deadlines, must be framed in a way that builds or maintains public trust. Changes perceived as arbitrary or politically motivated could undermine confidence in the electoral process. On the other hand, changes designed to increase access and efficiency might strengthen public trust in election outcomes.


If an amendment is proposed to modify certain deadlines in connection with specified elections, it should be carefully crafted to:

  • Enhance voter participation by providing more flexibility in voter registration, mail-in voting, and early voting deadlines.
  • Ensure election integrity by maintaining reasonable timeframes for verifying and counting votes.
  • Reflect modern voting methods and needs while preserving the ability of election administrators to conduct timely and efficient elections.

Ultimately, the success of such an amendment would depend on its specifics—how deadlines are modified, which elections are affected, and how those changes align with Colorado’s overall election system. Voters should carefully evaluate the amendment to ensure it serves both the efficiency and integrity of the electoral process.

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