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Legislative Year: 2024 Change

Bill Detail: HB24-1389

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Title School Funding 2023-24 for New Arrival Students
Status Governor Signed (04/18/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
House Sponsors E. Sirota (D)
R. Taggart (R)
Senate Sponsors R. Zenzinger (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
House Committee Appropriations
Senate Committee Appropriations
Date Introduced 03/25/2024
AI Summary

Joint Budget Committee. For the 2023-24 budget year, the bill
appropriates $24 million from the state education fund to the department
of education (department) to distribute one-time funding to school
districts and institute charter schools that enrolled new arrival students
after the 2023-24 pupil enrollment count day.
The bill provides to each school district and each institute charter
school that requests funding pursuant to the bill:
  • An amount determined by a tiered schedule that is based on
the total number of new arrival students who enrolled in the
school district or institute charter schools after the 2023-24
pupil enrollment count day; and
  • $4,500 for each student who is in the school district's or
institute charter schools' total net student population;
except that, if the amount appropriated is insufficient to
meet the demand, the department is required to
proportionately reduce the $4,500 amount.

Committee Reports
with Amendments
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Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (06/28/2024) (most recent)  
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