
Bill Detail: HB24-1343

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Title Wildfire Evacuation Modeling Grant Program
Status House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed (05/14/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • State Government
House Sponsors M. Snyder (D)
Senate Sponsors
House Committee Agriculture, Water and Natural Resources
Senate Committee
Date Introduced 02/26/2024

The bill creates the wildfire evacuation modeling grant program
(program) within the office of emergency management (office) for the
purpose of awarding grants to eligible recipients to perform wildfire
evacuation modeling and generate reports that include times, maps
showing evacuation routes, and any other relevant metrics for the area for
which the modeling is being conducted. The program is initially
administered as a pilot program and the office must establish a limited
number of eligible recipients to receive grants. On or before December 1,
2025, the office must submit a report to the house of representatives
agriculture, water, and natural resources committee and the senate
agriculture and natural resources committee, or their successor
committees, regarding the pilot program, which may include
recommendations for improving the program and recommendations on
whether to continue the program.
The bill also creates the wildfire evacuation modeling grant
program cash fund (fund) for the purposes of awarding grants and
covering administrative costs of the office for administering the program.
On August 15, 2024, the state treasurer shall transfer $120,000 from the
general fund to the fund.

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Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (06/20/2024) (most recent)  
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