
Bill Detail: HB24-1342

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Title Test Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities 
Status Governor Signed (06/07/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Civil Law
House Sponsors M. Soper (R)
J. Bacon (D)
Senate Sponsors D. Roberts (D)
J. Rich (R)
House Committee Business Affairs and Labor
Senate Committee Business, Labor and Technology
Date Introduced 02/26/2024

The bill requires a testing entity to grant an individual's request for
a testing accommodation on a licensing exam without requiring the
individual to undergo a diagnostic exam or psychological assessment if
the individual is requesting the same testing accommodation that the
individual previously received on a similar standardized exam or
high-stakes test.
The bill allows an individual who is adversely affected or
aggrieved by a testing entity's decision regarding the individual's request
for a testing accommodation to bring a civil action against the testing
The bill requires the attorney general to investigate violations of,
and allows the attorney general to bring a civil action against, a testing
entity for an alleged violation.

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