
Bill Detail: HB24-1330

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Title Air Quality Permitting
Status House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed (05/14/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Natural Resources & Environment
House Sponsors J. Bacon (D)
J. Willford (D)
Senate Sponsors L. Cutter (D)
House Committee Energy and Environment
Senate Committee
Date Introduced 02/22/2024

Section 1 of the bill clarifies that a request for general permit
registration does not constitute having a valid construction permit
Section 1 also requires the division of administration in the
department of public health and environment (division) or the air quality
control commission (commission), in evaluating a permit application for
an emitting source (source) that includes an oil and gas system (oil and
gas system), to:
  • Aggregate emissions from the oil and gas system; and
  • Include emissions from exploration and preproduction
Section 2 requires that the division or the commission only grant
permits for certain proposed sources in a nonattainment area if:
  • The division or commission determines that the proposed
source will not contribute to an exceedance of any
applicable national ambient air quality standard
  • The owner or operator of the proposed source achieves
emissions reductions of each air pollutant for which the
nonattainment area is in nonattainment that are equal to or
greater than the anticipated emissions of the proposed
source; and
  • The proposed source is not in a disproportionately
impacted community.
On and after January 1, 2025, the division or commission must
base any determination on the modeling of air quality impacts from
emissions (air quality modeling).
If a permit is granted after air quality modeling is conducted:
  • Any assumption used in the air quality modeling must be
included in the permit as a permit condition; and
  • Any averaging time utilized for a permit condition must be
no greater than the averaging time for any applicable
national ambient air quality standard.
Section 3 requires the energy and carbon management commission
to require that an oil and gas operator obtain a permit from the division
or the commission before making a final determination on an oil and gas
permit application.

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Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (08/13/2024) (most recent)  
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