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Legislative Year: 2024 Change

Bill Detail: HB24-1310

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Title School Safety Measures
Status House Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely (04/11/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Crimes, Corrections, & Enforcement
  • Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
House Sponsors E. Hamrick (D)
J. Parenti (D)
Senate Sponsors
House Committee Education
Senate Committee
Date Introduced 02/16/2024

The bill permits a school district, charter school, or board of
cooperative services (local education provider) to employ or retain by
contract a person as a school security officer only if:
  • The local education provider has a policy that governs
security officers' engagement with students;
  • The person completes school security officer or school
resource officer training; and
  • The person undergoes a background check and a
psychological evaluation.
The bill permits a school security officer to carry a handgun on
school property if the school security officer holds a valid permit to carry
a concealed handgun; completes firearms training, including ongoing
in-service training; and passed the peace officer standards and training
board's firearms skills test or an equivalent firearms skills test.
Existing law prohibits carrying, bringing, or possessing a deadly
weapon on school property and includes exceptions to the prohibition,
including for the purpose of a school employee carrying out necessary
duties and functions that require the use of a deadly weapon. The bill
repeals the exception for a school employee carrying out the employee's
duties and expressly permits a school security officer to carry a handgun
on school grounds, as described above.
The bill prohibits a school or law enforcement agency from storing
firearms on the grounds of a public or private elementary, middle, junior
high, or high school.

Committee Reports
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Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (06/05/2024) (most recent)  
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