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Legislative Year: 2024 Change

Bill Detail: HB24-1224

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Title Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child
Status House Committee on State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Postpone Indefinitely (03/04/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Crimes, Corrections, & Enforcement
House Sponsors S. Bottoms (R)
Senate Sponsors
House Committee State, Civic, Military and Veterans Affairs
Senate Committee
Date Introduced 02/08/2024

The bill defines person to include a living unborn human child
at any stage of development, from fertilization at the fusion of a human
spermatozoon with a human ovum, as person relates to a private right
of action and neglect provisions and current homicide and assault
The bill declares that any existing state law relating to prenatal
neglect, homicide, or assault, or regulating abortion or abortion facilities,
is superseded to the extent it conflicts with or is inconsistent with the bill.
The bill states that the defense of duress is available for an offense
of murder in the first degree if the victim is a living unborn human child
and the defendant is the child's mother.
The bill authorizes the state to disregard any federal court decision
that purports to enjoin or void the bill and subjects a Colorado judge to
impeachment or removal if the judge purports to enjoin, stay, overrule, or
void the requirement.

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