
Bill Detail: HB24-1220

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Title Workers'Compensation Disability Benefits
Status Governor Signed (06/04/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Health Care & Health Insurance
  • Insurance
  • Labor & Employment
House Sponsors L. Daugherty (D)
Senate Sponsors J. Marchman (D)
House Committee Business Affairs and Labor
Senate Committee Business, Labor and Technology
Date Introduced 02/07/2024

The bill allows a claimant for workers' compensation benefits to
refuse an offer of modified employment if the employment requires the
claimant to drive to and from work and the treating physician has
restricted the claimant from driving.
The bill adds the loss of an ear to the list of other body parts for
which an injured worker can receive whole person permanent impairment
Current law limits the amount of money that a claimant for
workers' compensation benefits may receive dependent on the claimant's
impairment rating. The bill removes these limitations and replaces them
with one limit of $300,000, adjusted annually by the director of the
division of workers' compensation.
The bill requires a workers' compensation insurer to pay benefits
to a claimant by direct deposit upon request by the claimant.

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Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (07/10/2024) (most recent)  
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