
Bill Detail: HB24-1160

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Title Economic Development Organization Action Grant Program
Status House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed (05/14/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Business & Economic Development
House Sponsors B. McLachlan (D)
S. Bird (D)
Senate Sponsors R. Zenzinger (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
House Committee Business Affairs and Labor
Senate Committee
Date Introduced 01/31/2024

The bill creates the economic development organization (EDO)
action grant program (program) within the Colorado office of economic
development (office) to provide grants to Colorado-based EDOs to
support and increase EDO capacity to implement community-specific
economic development programming, as identified in each EDO's
program application. The office is required to administer the program in
consultation with the Colorado economic development commission and
a statewide economic development organization. The economic
development organization grant program cash fund (fund) is created in
the state treasury, and the office is required to award program grants from
the fund. The state treasurer is required to transfer $2 million from the
general fund to the fund on July 1, 2024.

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Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (05/29/2024) (most recent)  
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