
Bill Detail: HB24-1088

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Title Modifications to the Child Fatality Prevention Act
Status House Committee on Health & Human Services Postpone Indefinitely (02/07/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Children & Domestic Matters
  • Public Health
House Sponsors T. Winter (R)
Senate Sponsors R. Pelton (R)
House Committee Health and Human Services
Senate Committee
Date Introduced 01/12/2024

The Child Fatality Prevention Act establishes state and local or
regional child fatality prevention review teams to conduct
multidisciplinary reviews of child abuse, neglect, and fatalities. The bill:
  • Repeals the requirement that a local or regional review
team conduct reviews of child fatalities related to motor
vehicle incidents;
  • Requires that members of a local or regional review team
be appointed by a board of county commissioners;
  • Repeals the requirement that a local or regional review
team review the cause and manner of a child fatality, as
determined by the local coroner, pathologist, or medical
  • Requires a local or regional review team to provide the
parent or guardian of a deceased child with written notice
of a review, an opportunity to be heard, and an opportunity
to obtain legal representation during the review process;
  • Repeals the requirement that a state review team review a
child fatality case that has not been reviewed by a local or
regional review team.

Committee Reports
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Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (07/17/2024) (most recent)  
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