
Bill Detail: HB24-1080

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Title Youth Sports Personnel Requirements
Status Governor Vetoed (05/17/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Children & Domestic Matters
House Sponsors J. Parenti (D)
J. Willford (D)
Senate Sponsors J. Danielson (D)
J. Marchman (D)
House Committee Health and Human Services
Senate Committee Health and Human Services
Date Introduced 01/10/2024

The bill clarifies that a director, coach, assistant coach, or athletic
program personnel contracted by a private sports organization or program
is a mandatory reporter.
An organization that operates a youth athletic activity (youth sports
organization) is required to have each paid coach of the youth athletic
activity have a current CPR education certification. A youth sports
organization means a private for-profit or not-for-profit organization that
provides sports activities designed for the participation of youth 18 years
of age or younger. Youth sports organization does not include K-12
schools or institutions of higher education.
All youth sports organization employees and volunteers who work
directly with youth members, and any employee or volunteer who
accompanies the youth sports organization on any trip that includes one
or more overnight stays, must obtain a criminal history record check. A
volunteer who is not acting in the capacity of a coach or manager, who
only occasionally assists with the team, and who has an immediate family
member participating in the youth sports organization is not required to
obtain a criminal history record check. The bill creates a cause of action
for failing to conduct a background check.

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Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (07/31/2024) (most recent)  
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