
Bill Tracker

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Bill No. Title Sponsors (House and Senate)StatusPositionHearing DateDescriptionIntro DateFiscal Notes
HB24-1015 Workplace Suicide Prevention Education House:
S. Vigil (D)
D. Michaelson Jenet (D)
House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/14/2024bConcerning suicide prevention education in the workplace.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 05/21/2024
HB24-1019 Crisis Resolution Team Program House:
J. Amabile (D)
M. Bradfield (R)
R. Fields (D)
R. Pelton (R)
House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/14/2024cConcerning expanding a program to continue responding to youth behavioral health crises.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/05/2024
HB24-1049 School Mental Health Professional Loan Repayment Program House:
S. Vigil (D)
R. Weinberg (R)
F. Winter (D)
J. Marchman (D)
House Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely: 02/15/2024cConcerning the creation of a loan repayment program for licensed school mental health professionals practicing in Colorado schools.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/11/2024
HB24-1079 Persons Detained in Jail on Emergency Commitment House:
J. Amabile (D)
R. English (D)
R. Fields (D)
Governor Signed: 05/17/2024cConcerning persons detained in jail who are held on an emergency commitment, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/14/2024
HB24-1081 Regulate Sale Transfer Sodium Nitrite House:
M. Catlin (R)
J. Amabile (D)
D. Roberts (D)
B. Pelton (R)
Governor Signed: 04/17/2024bConcerning regulation on the sale of sodium nitrite.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 05/22/2024
HB24-1136 Healthier Social Media Use by Youth House:
J. Amabile (D)
R. Pugliese (R)
J. Smallwood (R)
L. Cutter (D)
Governor Signed: 06/06/2024cConcerning measures to encourage healthier social media use by youth, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.01/29/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/03/2024
HB24-1185 Department of Health Care Policy & Financing Supplemental House:
S. Bird (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
Governor Signed: 02/27/2024cConcerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of health care policy and financing.02/02/2024 
HB24-1187 Department of Human Services Supplemental House:
S. Bird (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
Governor Signed: 02/27/2024cConcerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of human services.02/02/2024 
HB24-1196 Department of Public Health & Environment Supplemental House:
S. Bird (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
Governor Signed: 03/06/2024cConcerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of public health and environment.02/02/2024 
HB24-1252 Sunset Suicide Prevention Commission House:
M. Bradfield (R)
S. Vigil (D)
D. Michaelson Jenet (D)
Governor Signed: 05/31/2024bConcerning the continuation of the suicide prevention commission.02/12/2024Fiscal Notes : 08/05/2024
HB24-1384 Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics House:
S. Bird (D)
E. Sirota (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
Governor Signed: 06/07/2024cConcerning applying for federal grants related to certified community behavioral health clinics.03/25/2024Fiscal Notes : 08/07/2024
HB24-1399 Discounted Care for Indigent Patients House:
E. Sirota (D)
R. Taggart (R)
J. Bridges (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
Governor Signed: 04/18/2024cConcerning discounted care for indigent patients, and, in connection therewith, repealing the Colorado indigent care program, creating the hospital discounted care advisory committee, and addressing disproportionate share hospital payments.03/25/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/11/2024
HB24-1406 School-Based Mental Health Support Program House:
S. Bird (D)
R. Taggart (R)
J. Bridges (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
Governor Signed: 04/18/2024cConcerning the creation of the school-based mental health support program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/25/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/27/2024
HB24-1430 2024-25 Long Appropriations Bill House:
S. Bird (D)
R. Zenzinger (D)
Governor Signed: 04/29/2024cConcerning the provision for payment of the expenses of the executive, legislative, and judicial departments of the state of Colorado, and of its agencies and institutions, for and during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, except as otherwise noted.03/25/2024 
HB24-1431 Stable Housing for Survivors of Abuse Program House:
R. Armagost (R)
M. Lukens (D)
F. Winter (D)
D. Michaelson Jenet (D)
Governor Signed: 06/06/2024cConcerning the creation of a program to provide stable housing assistance for survivors of abuse, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/27/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/11/2024
SB24-001 Continue Youth Mental Health Services Program Senate:
D. Michaelson Jenet (D)
L. Cutter (D)
K. Brown (D)
M. Rutinel (D)
Governor Signed: 06/04/2024bConcerning continuation of the youth mental health services program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 08/12/2024
SB24-007 Behavioral Health First Aid Training Program Senate:
R. Fields (D)
D. Michaelson Jenet (D)
B. Titone (D)
R. Weinberg (R)
Governor Signed: 06/05/2024cConcerning creating a behavioral health first aid training program in the office of suicide prevention, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/31/2024
SB24-015 Licensed Professional Counselors in Communities Senate:
C. Kolker (D)
M. Young (D)
Senate Committee on Finance Refer Unamended to Appropriations: 02/20/2024cConcerning increasing the number of licensed professional counselors in communities.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 05/29/2024
SB24-034 Increase Access to School-Based Health Care Senate:
C. Kolker (D)
J. Marchman (D)
M. Lindsay (D)
L. Garcia (D)
Governor Signed: 06/05/2024cConcerning increasing access to school-based health care.01/10/2024Fiscal Notes : 08/09/2024
SB24-055 Agricultural & Rural Behavioral Health Care Senate:
P. Will (R)
J. Marchman (D)
M. Lukens (D)
A. Hartsook (R)
Governor Signed: 06/06/2024bConcerning supporting the behavioral health care of individuals involved in agriculture, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.01/17/2024Fiscal Notes : 08/09/2024
SB24-057 Agricultural Workforce & Suicide Prevention Senate:
T. Sullivan (D)
M. Froelich (D)
J. Amabile (D)
Senate Committee on Health & Human Services Refer Amended to Appropriations: 02/07/2024cConcerning creating a program to prevent suicide in the agricultural workforce.01/17/2024Fiscal Notes : 06/26/2024
SB24-059 Children's Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care Senate:
D. Michaelson Jenet (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
M. Duran (D)
R. Pugliese (R)
House Committee on Health & Human Services Postpone Indefinitely: 05/02/2024cConcerning establishing a children's behavioral health statewide system of care, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.01/17/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/23/2024
SB24-117 Eating Disorder Treatment & Recovery Programs Senate:
F. Winter (D)
L. Cutter (D)
C. deGruy Kennedy (D)
Governor Signed: 06/06/2024cConcerning protections for individuals with an eating disorder, and, in connection therewith, requiring an eating disorder treatment and recovery facility to hold an appropriate designation and requiring the behavioral health administration to regulate the use of involuntary feeding tubes.02/05/2024Fiscal Notes : 07/17/2024
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