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List of 2025 legislation that the CASB Advocacy team is actively tracking.

Bill No. Title Bill SubjectDescriptionCommentPositionHouse SponsorsHouse CommitteeSenate SponsorsSenate CommitteeIntro DateVotesStatusBill DocsSave to CalendarFiscal NotesFull TextHearing DateHearing RoomHearing Time
HB25-1006 School District Solar Garden Lease Term - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning allowing a school district to lease district property for any term of years.cM. Lukens (D)
A. Hartsook (R)
EducationJ. Bridges (D)Education01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to Education: 02/05/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 01/10/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1016 Occupational Therapist Prescribe Medical Equipment - Health Care & Health Insurance
Concerning authorizing an occupational therapist to prescribe durable medical equipment.cK. Stewart (D)Health and Human ServicesD. Michaelson Jenet (D)Health and Human Services01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsSenate Committee on Health & Human Services Refer Amended - Consent Calendar to Senate Committee of the Whole: 03/06/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 01/13/2025Full Text of Bill03/11/2025Senate Chamber10:00 AM
HB25-1030 Accessibility Standards in Building Codes - Local Government
Concerning the requirement that certain building codes have accessibility standards that are at least as stringent as international building codes.cJ. Joseph (D)
R. Stewart (D)
Transportation, Housing and Local GovernmentF. Winter (D)
L. Cutter (D)
Local Government and Housing01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsSent to the Governor: 03/07/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 01/28/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1037 Income Tax Credit for Eligible Teachers - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- Fiscal Policy & Taxes
Concerning a state income tax credit for a licensed teacher who is employed as a teacher in a public school on a full-time basis for at least one-half of an academic year.cM. Soper (R)
R. Marshall (D)
FinanceK. Mullica (D)
L. Frizell (R)
01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Finance Refer Amended to Appropriations: 01/27/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 01/22/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1038 Postsecondary Credit Transfer Website - Higher Education
Concerning the implementation of an online platform to provide students pursuing postsecondary education with information about academic credit transfers.bE. Hamrick (D)EducationJ. Marchman (D)01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Education Refer Amended to Appropriations: 02/13/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 01/20/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1048 State Tax Expenditure & Grant Database - Fiscal Policy & Taxes
- State Government
Concerning the creation of a state tax expenditure and grant opportunity database.cM. Soper (R)
R. Marshall (D)
State, Civic, Military and Veterans AffairsK. Mullica (D)01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 01/27/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 01/10/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1052 Income Tax Credit for Public Employees' Retirement Association Retirees - Fiscal Policy & Taxes
Concerning the creation of a refundable income tax credit for qualifying public employees' retirement association retirees.cE. Hamrick (D)
R. Taggart (R)
FinanceC. Kolker (D)01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Finance Postpone Indefinitely: 01/27/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 01/21/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1059 Food Waste Reduction in Public Schools - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning reducing food waste in schools.cR. Weinberg (R)
L. Feret (D)
EducationJ. Rich (R)
J. Marchman (D)
Education01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to Education: 02/20/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 01/10/2025Full Text of Bill03/12/2025Senate Committee Room 3571:30 PM
HB25-1060 Electronic Fence Detection Systems - Crimes, Corrections, & Enforcement
- Local Government
- Telecommunications & Information Technology
Concerning the use of electronic fence detection systems.cM. Soper (R)
C. Clifford (D)
Transportation, Housing and Local GovernmentK. Mullica (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
Local Government and Housing01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to Local Government & Housing: 03/04/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 01/15/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1061 Community Schoolyards Grant Program - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- Local Government
Concerning creating a grant program for the development of community schoolyards.cJ. Bacon (D)
R. Taggart (R)
EducationJ. Amabile (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Education Refer Amended to Appropriations: 02/13/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 01/22/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1075 Regulate Speech-Language Pathology Assistants - Business & Economic Development
- Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- Professions & Occupations
Concerning regulation of speech-language pathology assistants.cL. Garcia Sander (R)
J. Phillips (D)
Business Affairs and LaborK. Mullica (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
Business, Labor and Technology01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to Business, Labor, & Technology: 02/06/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/03/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1079 Independent Ethics Commission Jurisdiction - Courts & Judicial
Concerning the scope of the independent ethics commission's jurisdiction over ethics complaints against local governments, and, in connection therewith, expanding the independent ethics commission's jurisdiction to include school districts and special districts.eT. Story (D)Transportation, Housing and Local GovernmentM. Weissman (D)01/13/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Transportation, Housing & Local Government Refer Amended to Appropriations: 01/29/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 01/24/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1105 Public Employees' Retirement Association True-up of Denver Public Schools Division Employer Contribution - Local Government
Concerning an adjustment to the total employer contribution rate of the Denver public school division of the public employees' retirement association in connection with the equalization status of the association's Denver public schools division with the association's school division as required by the merger of the Denver public schools retirement system with the association.cS. Camacho (D)Finance01/27/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In House - Assigned to Finance: 01/27/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/06/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1130 Labor Requirements for Government Construction Projects - State Government
Concerning labor requirements for certain construction projects.cM. Duran (D)
M. Carter (D)
Business Affairs and LaborJ. Danielson (D)01/28/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Business Affairs & Labor Refer Amended to Appropriations: 03/06/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/12/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1135 Communication Devices in Schools - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning requiring the adoption of a policy regarding student communication devices in schools.gM. Bradfield (R)
M. Lukens (D)
EducationJ. Marchman (D)
L. Frizell (R)
Education01/29/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to Education: 02/27/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 02/03/2025Full Text of Bill03/19/2025Senate Committee Room 3571:30 PM
HB25-1149 Comprehensive Black History & Culture Education in K-12 - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning comprehensive socio-cultural Black history education in public schools.cR. English (D)EducationT. Exum Sr. (D)01/29/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Education Refer Amended to Appropriations: 02/20/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/21/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1152 Tech Accessibility Liability Contractor - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning noncompliance with requirements regarding technology accessibility for persons with disabilities when the noncompliance is caused by a contractor.cM. Lukens (D)
L. Garcia Sander (R)
EducationB. Kirkmeyer (R)
J. Marchman (D)
Education01/29/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to Education: 02/12/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 01/31/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1153 Statewide Government Language Access Assessment - State Government
Concerning a statewide language access assessment covering principal departments.cE. Velasco (D)
J. Joseph (D)
State, Civic, Military and Veterans Affairs01/29/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Refer Amended to Appropriations: 02/10/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/06/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1158 Digital Education Materials - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning measures to enhance the integrity of digital education materials in public schools.cB. Bradley (R)
J. Joseph (D)
Education01/29/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Second Reading Laid Over Daily - No Amendments: 02/25/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 02/21/2025Full Text of Bill03/10/2025House Chamber10:00 AM
HB25-1160 Youth Prevention Mental Health Pilot Program - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- Health Care & Health Insurance
Concerning creating the youth prevention mental health pilot program to provide students access to an online behavioral health prevention tool.cM. Lukens (D)
L. Garcia Sander (R)
Health and Human ServicesD. Michaelson Jenet (D)01/30/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Health & Human Services Postpone Indefinitely: 02/18/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/10/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1167 Alternative Education Campuses - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning alternative education campuses.cM. Martinez (D)
A. Valdez (D)
Education02/03/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Education Refer Amended to Appropriations: 03/05/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/17/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1169 Housing Developments on Faith and Educational Land - Housing
Concerning the promotion of residential development on qualifying properties.cA. Boesenecker (D)
J. Mabrey (D)
Transportation, Housing and Local GovernmentT. Exum Sr. (D)
J. Gonzales (D)
02/04/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Third Reading Laid Over Daily - No Amendments: 03/06/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 02/14/2025Full Text of Bill03/10/2025House Chamber10:00 AM
HB25-1173 Advisory Board Serving Office of School Safety - State Government
Concerning expanding the role of an advisory board to serve the office of school safety.cM. Lukens (D)
D. Johnson (R)
EducationC. Kolker (D)Education02/06/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to Education: 03/06/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 02/11/2025Full Text of Bill03/17/2025Senate Committee Room 3571:30 PM
HB25-1178 Ban Student Seclusion - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning the banning of student seclusion.eR. English (D)Education02/10/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In House - Assigned to Education: 02/10/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 02/21/2025Full Text of Bill03/20/2025House Committee Room 01071:30 PM
HB25-1188 Mandatory Reporter Task Force Recommendations - Children & Domestic Matters
Concerning the recommendations of the mandatory reporter task force.cM. Froelich (D)Health and Human ServicesD. Michaelson Jenet (D)02/10/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Health & Human Services Refer Unamended to Appropriations: 02/25/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/21/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1192 Financial Literacy Graduation Requirement - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning financial literacy requirements as a condition of high school graduation in public schools.eJ. Bacon (D)
A. Hartsook (R)
EducationJ. Bridges (D)
L. Frizell (R)
02/10/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Education Refer Amended to Appropriations: 03/06/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 03/04/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1199 Property Tax Payment Schedule - Fiscal Policy & Taxes
- Local Government
Concerning an alternate real property tax payment option for certain taxpayers.cC. Espenoza (D)Finance02/10/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In House - Assigned to Finance: 02/10/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 03/03/2025Full Text of Bill03/10/2025House Committee Room 01121:30 PM
HB25-1210 Data Reporting Requirements for Kindergarten Through 12th Grade Schools - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning data reporting requirements for K-12 schools.cM. Lukens (D)
L. Garcia Sander (R)
EducationB. Pelton (R)
J. Marchman (D)
02/11/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Education Refer Amended to Appropriations: 02/26/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/24/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1215 Redistribution of Lottery Fund - Gaming, Lottery, Racing
Concerning the redistribution of the lottery fund, and, in connection therewith, redistributing funds for the outdoor equity fund and the public school capital construction assistance fund.cR. Taggart (R)
J. Joseph (D)
Appropriations J. Bridges (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
02/11/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In House - Assigned to Appropriations: 02/11/2025Bill Documents Full Text of Bill
HB25-1218 Concurrent Enrollment & Higher Education Courses - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- Higher Education
Concerning allowing institutions of higher education that offer courses with direct pathways to certain higher education programs to be included in the "Concurrent Enrollment Programs Act".cA. Valdez (D)Education02/11/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely: 02/27/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/18/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1230 Changes Violation Driver Overtaking School Bus - Transportation & Motor Vehicles
Concerning changes to the traffic violation for overtaking a school bus.cA. Paschal (D)
J. Caldwell (R)
Transportation, Housing and Local GovernmentF. Winter (D)02/11/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In House - Assigned to Transportation, Housing & Local Government: 02/11/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 02/27/2025Full Text of Bill03/12/2025Legislative Services Building Hearing Room A1:30 PM
HB25-1231 Protect Minors from Sexual or Pornographic Content - Crimes, Corrections, & Enforcement
Concerning protecting minors from exposure to sexual content.cR. Keltie (R)State, Civic, Military and Veterans Affairs02/11/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 02/24/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/19/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1245 Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning Improvement Projects in Schools - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- State Government
Concerning HVAC infrastructure improvement projects in schools.eE. Hamrick (D)
S. Lieder (D)
Business Affairs and Labor02/12/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Business Affairs & Labor Refer Amended to Finance: 03/06/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/25/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1248 Protect Students from Restraint & Seclusion Act - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning the administration of disciplinary measures in public schools.cK. Stewart (D)EducationC. Kipp (D)02/12/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Education Refer Amended to Appropriations: 02/27/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/21/2025Full Text of Bill
HB25-1250 Gun Violence Prevention & Parents of Students - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning providing materials about gun violence prevention to parents with students in K-12.gE. Hamrick (D)EducationL. Cutter (D)02/12/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Education Refer Amended to House Committee of the Whole: 03/06/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 03/03/2025Full Text of Bill03/11/2025House Chamber9:00 AM
HB25-1274 Healthy School Meals for All Program - Fiscal Policy & Taxes
Concerning the healthy school meals for all program.cL. Garcia (D)EducationD. Michaelson Jenet (D)02/19/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Education Refer Amended to Finance: 03/06/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 03/04/2025Full Text of Bill03/10/2025House Committee Room 01121:30 PM
HB25-1278 Education Accountability System - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning modifications to the statewide education accountability system.cS. Bird (D)
M. Lukens (D)
EducationD. Michaelson Jenet (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
02/20/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In House - Assigned to Education: 02/20/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
 Full Text of Bill03/13/2025House Committee Room 01071:30 PM
HB25-1287 Social Media Tools for Minor Users & Parents - Children & Domestic Matters
- Crimes, Corrections, & Enforcement
Concerning tools to protect minor users of social media.cM. Lukens (D)
J. Caldwell (R)
Health and Human ServicesD. Michaelson Jenet (D)
B. Pelton (R)
02/26/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In House - Assigned to Health & Human Services: 02/26/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
 Full Text of Bill03/19/2025House Committee Room 01121:30 PM
HB25-1293 Drug Overdose Education & Opioid Antagonists in Schools - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning measures related to overdose prevention for students.cR. Pugliese (R)
J. Jackson (D)
EducationM. Snyder (D)
B. Pelton (R)
03/04/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In House - Assigned to Education: 03/04/2025Bill Documents Full Text of Bill
SB25-005 Worker Protection Collective Bargaining - Labor & Employment
Concerning the elimination of the requirement for a second election to negotiate a union security clause in the collective bargaining process, and, in connection therewith, reducing an appropriation.cJ. Bacon (D)
J. Mabrey (D)
Business Affairs and LaborJ. Danielson (D)
R. Rodriguez (D)
Business, Labor and Technology01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In House - Assigned to Business Affairs & Labor: 02/19/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 01/16/2025Full Text of Bill03/13/2025House Committee Room 01121:30 PM
SB25-017 Measures to Support Early Childhood Health - Children & Domestic Matters
Concerning measures to support early childhood health by integrating early childhood health-care systems into communities.cL. Cutter (D)Health and Human Services01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to Health & Human Services: 01/08/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 01/28/2025Full Text of Bill03/12/2025Old Supreme Court Chambersno specified time
SB25-023 Local Government Audit Exemption Thresholds - Fiscal Policy & Taxes
Concerning local government audit exemption thresholds.cW. Lindstedt (D)Transportation, Housing and Local GovernmentD. Michaelson Jenet (D)
R. Pelton (R)
Local Government and Housing01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In House - Assigned to Transportation, Housing & Local Government: 02/06/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 01/17/2025Full Text of Bill03/19/2025Legislative Services Building Hearing Room A1:30 PM
SB25-027 Trauma-Informed School Safety Practices - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning the use of trauma-informed practices to address school safety.cJ. Joseph (D)J. Marchman (D)Education01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsSenate Committee on Education Refer Amended to Appropriations: 02/05/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 01/14/2025Full Text of Bill
SB25-028 Public Employees' Retirement Association Risk-Reduction Measures - State Government
Concerning a requirement that the public employees' retirement association implement certain risk-reduction measures.cE. Hamrick (D)
R. Taggart (R)
FinanceF. Winter (D)
C. Kolker (D)
Finance01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Second Reading Special Order - Passed - No Amendments: 03/07/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 02/13/2025Full Text of Bill03/10/2025House Chamber10:00 AM
SB25-043 Deflection Supports Justice-Involved Youth - Children & Domestic Matters
- Courts & Judicial
Concerning youth involvement with the justice system, and, in connection therewith, modifying the requirements for the youthful offender system, clarifying matters related to determinations of incompetency, awarding credit for confinement prior to sentencing, and establishing a grant program to provide deflection services.cM. Bradfield (R)
R. English (D)
D. Michaelson Jenet (D)
J. Amabile (D)
Judiciary01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsSenate Committee on Judiciary Refer Amended to Appropriations: 02/24/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 01/20/2025Full Text of Bill
SB25-047 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law - Immigration
Concerning reversing certain actions by the general assembly related to measures intended to limit enforcement of federal immigration law.cC. Richardson (R)
M. Brooks (R)
M. Baisley (R)State, Veterans and Military Affairs01/08/2025Votes all LegislatorsSenate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 02/25/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 01/21/2025Full Text of Bill
SB25-055 Youth Involvement in Environmental Justice - Natural Resources & Environment
Concerning measures to involve youth in environmental justice.cJ. Bacon (D)
J. Joseph (D)
Energy and EnvironmentF. Winter (D)
J. Marchman (D)
Health and Human Services01/16/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Energy & Environment Refer Amended to Appropriations: 02/26/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 01/23/2025Full Text of Bill
SB25-063 Library Resource Decision Standards for Public Schools - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning standards that public schools are required to include in policies regarding library resources.gJ. Willford (D)
L. Garcia (D)
EducationD. Michaelson Jenet (D)
L. Cutter (D)
Education01/21/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In House - Assigned to Education: 02/19/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/21/2025Full Text of Bill
SB25-064 Safe2tell Handle with Care Notice - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- State Government
Concerning notifying a school when a student has experienced a traumatic event.cC. Clifford (D)J. Marchman (D)Education01/21/2025Votes all LegislatorsSenate Committee on Education Refer Amended to Appropriations: 02/05/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/03/2025Full Text of Bill
SB25-073 Military-Connected Children with Disabilities - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning enhancing support for military-connected children with disabilities who enroll in Colorado schools.cM. Martinez (D)
R. Keltie (R)
EducationL. Liston (R)
J. Marchman (D)
Education01/22/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In House - Assigned to Education: 02/26/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 02/17/2025Full Text of Bill03/19/2025House Committee Room 0107no specified time
SB25-077 Modifications to Colorado Open Records Act - Local Government
- State Government
Concerning modifications to the "Colorado Open Records Act".bM. Soper (R)
M. Carter (D)
State, Civic, Military and Veterans AffairsJ. Rich (R)
C. Kipp (D)
State, Veterans and Military Affairs01/23/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In House - Assigned to State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs: 02/26/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 01/28/2025Full Text of Bill03/10/2025Legislative Services Building Hearing Room A1:30 PM
SB25-086 Protections for Users of Social Media - Public Health
Concerning protections for users of social media, and, in connection therewith, establishing certain requirements for social media companies.cA. Boesenecker (D)
A. Hartsook (R)
Health and Human ServicesL. Daugherty (D)
L. Frizell (R)
Judiciary01/23/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In House - Assigned to Health & Human Services: 02/26/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 01/30/2025Full Text of Bill03/12/2025House Committee Room 01121:30 PM
SB25-090 Department of Early Childhood Supplemental - State Revenue & Budget
Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of early childhood.cS. Bird (D)Appropriations J. Bridges (D)Appropriations02/03/2025Votes all LegislatorsGovernor Signed: 02/27/2025Bill Documents Full Text of Bill
SB25-091 Dept of Education Supplemental - State Revenue & Budget
Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of education.cS. Bird (D)Appropriations J. Bridges (D)Appropriations02/03/2025Votes all LegislatorsGovernor Signed: 02/27/2025Bill Documents Full Text of Bill
SB25-113 Mid-Year Adjustments to School Funding - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning adjustments to school funding for the 2024-25 budget year, and, in connection therewith, increasing an appropriation.cS. Bird (D)
R. Taggart (R)
Appropriations J. Bridges (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
Appropriations02/03/2025Votes all LegislatorsGovernor Signed: 02/27/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/03/2025Full Text of Bill
SB25-119 Measures to Modify the Department of Early Childhood - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning measures to modify the department of early childhood.cE. Hamrick (D)
L. Garcia Sander (R)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)Education02/04/2025Votes all LegislatorsSenate Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely: 03/05/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/21/2025Full Text of Bill
SB25-123 Education Curriculum on Genocide Against Native Americans - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning the addition of genocide against Native Americans to the Holocaust and genocide studies in public school statute.cS. Camacho (D)J. Gonzales (D)Education02/04/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to Education: 02/04/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/12/2025Full Text of Bill
SB25-138 Permanent Reductions to State Income Tax - Fiscal Policy & Taxes
- State Revenue & Budget
Concerning permanent reductions to state income tax.cJ. Carson (R)State, Veterans and Military Affairs02/05/2025Votes all LegislatorsSenate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely: 02/27/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/20/2025Full Text of Bill
SB25-143 Extend Prohibition on School Facial Recognition - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning the limited use of facial recognition services by schools.gR. Armagost (R)
M. Carter (D)
P. Lundeen (R)
L. Daugherty (D)
Education02/05/2025Votes all LegislatorsSenate Committee on Education Refer Amended to Senate Committee of the Whole: 03/05/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 02/19/2025Full Text of Bill03/10/2025Senate Chamber10:00 AM
SB25-147 Modify Board Management Public Employees' Retirement Association - Labor & Employment
- State Government
Concerning modifications to the management of the public employees' retirement association by the board of trustees, and, in connection therewith, defining the board as a local public body for purposes of the open meetings law, establishing term limits for members of the board, clarifying that the board must conduct its meetings according to the open meetings law as a local public body, requiring the board to post certain meeting-related and financial information of the association on the association's website, and clarifying that the board may delegate matters of day-to-day administration, but not management, of the association.bM. Lukens (D)
L. Garcia Sander (R)
C. Kolker (D)
B. Pelton (R)
Finance02/05/2025Votes all LegislatorsSenate Committee on Appropriations Refer Unamended - Consent Calendar to Senate Committee of the Whole: 03/07/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 02/20/2025Full Text of Bill03/11/2025Senate Chamber10:00 AM
SB25-148 Modifications to Campaign Finance Requirements - Elections & Redistricting
Concerning modifications to campaign finance requirements, and, in connection therewith, restricting contributions from lobbyists and modifying reporting and disclosure requirements for independent expenditures, electioneering communications, federal committees, and nonprofit entities.cM. Weissman (D)State, Veterans and Military Affairs02/05/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs: 02/05/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 03/07/2025Full Text of Bill
SB25-153 Public School Financial Reporting Requirements - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning additional public school financial reporting requirements.eL. Garcia (D)C. Kolker (D)Education02/05/2025Votes all LegislatorsSenate Committee on Education Refer Amended to Appropriations: 02/24/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 03/04/2025Full Text of Bill
SB25-154 Access to Educator Pathways - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning enhancing access to educator pathways.bE. Hamrick (D)C. Kipp (D)Education02/05/2025Votes all LegislatorsSenate Committee on Education Refer Amended to Senate Committee of the Whole: 03/05/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 02/11/2025Full Text of Bill03/10/2025Senate Chamber10:00 AM
SB25-164 Opioid Antagonist Availability & State Board of Health - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- Public Health
Concerning opioid antagonists with a primary focus on the youth opioid epidemic, and, in connection therewith, clarifying requirements for school policies about possession and administration of opioid antagonists, requiring the state board of health to determine who a prescriber may prescribe or dispense an opioid antagonist to, and requiring the state board to consult with the Colorado youth advisory council on issues relating to the youth opioid epidemic.cJ. Jackson (D)F. Winter (D)Health and Human Services02/14/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to Health & Human Services: 02/14/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 02/18/2025Full Text of Bill03/13/2025Old Supreme Court Chambers1:30 PM
SB25-167 Invest State Funds to Benefit Communities - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
- State Government
- State Revenue & Budget
Concerning the investment of state fund money to benefit Colorado communities.eJ. Amabile (D)Finance02/18/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to Finance: 02/18/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
 Full Text of Bill03/13/2025Senate Committee Room 357no specified time
SB25-177 Sunset Continue Early Childhood Leadership Commission - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning the continuation of the early childhood leadership commission.cE. Sirota (D)
M. Bradfield (R)
C. Kipp (D)
S. Bright (R)
Education02/21/2025Votes all LegislatorsSenate Committee on Education Refer Unamended to Appropriations: 03/05/2025Bill DocumentsFiscal Notes : 02/26/2025Full Text of Bill
SB25-178 Colorado K-5 Social & Emotional Health Pilot Program - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning the Colorado K-5 social and emotional health pilot program.cD. Michaelson Jenet (D)Education02/21/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to Education: 02/21/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 03/07/2025Full Text of Bill03/10/2025Senate Committee Room 3571:30 PM
SB25-180 Population Growth Calculation - Fiscal Policy & Taxes
Concerning the method of calculating state population growth for purposes of calculating state fiscal year spending pursuant to section 20 of article X of the state constitution.cE. Sirota (D)
R. Taggart (R)
Appropriations J. Amabile (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
Appropriations02/24/2025Votes all LegislatorsHouse Committee on Appropriations Refer Unamended to House Committee of the Whole: 03/07/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 02/25/2025Full Text of Bill03/11/2025House Chamber9:00 AM
SB25-191 Cardiac Emergency Plans for School Sports - Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
Concerning cardiac emergency preparedness, and, in connection therewith, removing certain requirements related to written plans for automated external defibrillator use and imposing certain requirements in high school athletics.cM. Lukens (D)
L. Gilchrist (D)
D. Roberts (D)
I. Jodeh (D)
Education03/04/2025Votes all LegislatorsIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to Education: 03/04/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
 Full Text of Bill03/19/2025Senate Committee Room 3571:30 PM
SB25-199 Suspend Legislative Interim Activities -
Concerning suspending legislative interim activities.cJ. McCluskie (D)
R. Pugliese (R)
P. Lundeen (R)
R. Rodriguez (D)
Appropriations03/05/2025Votes all LegislatorsSenate Committee on Appropriations Refer Amended to Senate Committee of the Whole: 03/07/2025Bill DocumentsGoogle Calendar
Fiscal Notes : 03/06/2025Full Text of Bill03/11/2025Senate Chamber10:00 AM
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