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Bill No. Title Sponsors (House and Senate)StatusPositionHearing DateDescriptionIntro DateFiscal Notes
HB23-1011 Consumer Right To Repair Agricultural Equipment House:
B. Titone (D)
R. Weinberg (R)
N. Hinrichsen (D)
J. Marchman (D)
Governor Signed: 04/25/2023bConcerning a requirement that an agricultural equipment manufacturer facilitate the repair of its equipment by providing certain other persons with the resources needed to repair the manufacturer's agricultural equipment.01/09/2023Fiscal Notes : 05/18/2023
HB23-1018 Timber Industry Incentives House:

C. Simpson (R)
House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/11/2023bConcerning incentives to promote the timber industry in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, creating an internship program in the Colorado state forest service and creating a state income tax credit for the purchase of qualifying items used in timber production and forest health.01/09/2023Fiscal Notes : 08/09/2023
HB23-1060 Updates To State Forest Service Tree Nursery House:
T. Story (D)
L. Cutter (D)
Governor Signed: 05/15/2023bConcerning updates to the Colorado state forest service seedling tree nursery, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.01/17/2023Fiscal Notes : 07/05/2023
HB23-1087 Fiscal Rule Advance Payment Charitable Food Grants House:

D. Roberts (D)
P. Will (R)
Governor Signed: 03/31/2023bConcerning a requirement that the state controller promulgate fiscal rules governing advance payment for the purchase of state agricultural products by a charitable food organization using state grant money.01/19/2023Fiscal Notes : 06/20/2023
HB23-1094 Extend Agricultural Workforce Development Program House:
M. Lukens (D)
D. Roberts (D)
R. Pelton (R)
Governor Signed: 04/25/2023bConcerning modifications to the agricultural workforce development program.01/19/2023Fiscal Notes : 06/27/2023
HB23-1125 Modernize Process To Obtain Water Well Information House:
M. Lukens (D)
T. Winter (R)
C. Simpson (R)
J. Marchman (D)
Governor Signed: 03/31/2023bConcerning the modernization of the process to change groundwater well owner contact information.01/30/2023Fiscal Notes : 06/22/2023
HB23-1240 Sales Use Tax Exemption Wildfire Disaster Construction House:
K. Brown (D)
Governor Signed: 05/12/2023gConcerning a sales and use tax exemption for construction and building materials used for repairing and rebuilding residential structures damaged or destroyed by a declared wildfire disaster in 2020, 2021, or 2022, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/11/2023Fiscal Notes : 07/18/2023
HB23-1242 Water Conservation In Oil And Gas Operations House:
A. Boesenecker (D)
J. Joseph (D)
L. Cutter (D)
Governor Signed: 06/07/2023eConcerning water used in oil and gas operations, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/11/2023Fiscal Notes : 08/07/2023
HB23-HJR1007 Water Projects Eligibility Lists House:
K. McCormick (D)
D. Roberts (D)
C. Simpson (R)
Governor Signed: 02/24/2023cConcerning approval of water project revolving fund eligibility lists administered by the Colorado water resources and power development authority.01/12/2023 
SB23-005 Forestry And Wildfire Mitigation Workforce Senate:
L. Cutter (D)
S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
Governor Signed: 05/12/2023cConcerning measures to expand the forestry workforce, and, in connection therewith, directing the Colorado state forest service to develop educational materials for high school students about career opportunities in forestry and wildfire mitigation; creating a timber, forest health, and wildfire mitigation industries workforce development program to help fund internships in those industries; allocating general fund money to the wildfire mitigation capacity development fund; authorizing the expansion and creation of forestry programs; directing the state board for community colleges and occupational education to administer a program to recruit wildland fire prevention and mitigation educators; and making an appropriation.01/09/2023Fiscal Notes : 07/17/2023
SB23-010 Water Resources And Agriculture Review Committee Senate:
J. Bridges (D)
C. Simpson (R)
Governor Signed: 03/10/2023bConcerning the water resources and agriculture review committee.01/09/2023Fiscal Notes : 06/23/2023
SB23-038 Prohibit Equine Slaughter For Human Consumption Senate:
S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
L. Garcia (D)
Senate Second Reading Lost with Amendments - Committee, Floor: 03/16/2023eConcerning a prohibition on slaughtering equines for human consumption.01/12/2023Fiscal Notes : 06/20/2023
SB23-059 State Parks And Wildlife Area Local Access Funding Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
M. Baisley (R)
Governor Signed: 05/19/2023cConcerning providing funding to local governments to support access to state-owned outdoor recreational areas, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.01/19/2023Fiscal Notes : 08/01/2023
SB23-092 Agricultural Producers Use Of Agrivoltaics Senate:
C. Hansen (D)
C. Simpson (R)
M. Soper (R)
K. McCormick (D)
Governor Signed: 05/18/2023bConcerning opportunities for voluntary emission reductions in agriculture, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.01/30/2023Fiscal Notes : 08/23/2023
SB23-103 Update Colorado Recreational Use Statute Senate:
M. Baisley (R)
Senate Committee on Judiciary Postpone Indefinitely: 03/01/2023cConcerning the liability of owners of private land for damages that are incurred by persons who access the private land for recreational purposes.01/31/2023Fiscal Notes : 06/08/2023
SB23-112 Department of Agriculture Supplemental Senate:

S. Bird (D)
Governor Signed: 02/28/2023cConcerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of agriculture.02/06/2023 
SB23-166 Establishment Of A Wildfire Resiliency Code Board Senate:
T. Exum Sr. (D)
L. Cutter (D)
M. Froelich (D)
E. Velasco (D)
Governor Signed: 05/12/2023cConcerning the establishment of a wildfire resiliency code board, and, in connection therewith, requiring the wildfire resiliency code board to adopt model codes, requiring governing bodies with jurisdiction in an area within the wildland-urban interface to adopt codes that meet or exceed the standards set forth in the model codes, and making an appropriation.02/17/2023Fiscal Notes : 08/07/2023
SB23-177 2023 Colorado Water Conservation Board Water Projects Appropriations Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
C. Simpson (R)
K. McCormick (D)
Governor Signed: 06/05/2023bConcerning the funding of Colorado water conservation board projects, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/03/2023Fiscal Notes : 08/22/2023
SB23-178 Water-wise Landscaping In Homeowners' Association Communities Senate:
S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
P. Will (R)
K. McCormick (D)
M. Lindsay (D)
Governor Signed: 05/17/2023cConcerning removing barriers to water-wise landscaping in common interest communities.03/03/2023Fiscal Notes : 08/07/2023
SB23-186 Oil And Gas Commission Study Methane Seepage Raton Basin Senate:
F. Winter (D)
R. Pelton (R)
J. Willford (D)
T. Winter (R)
Governor Signed: 06/02/2023cConcerning methane seepage in the Raton basin of Colorado, and, in connection therewith, requiring the Colorado oil and gas conservation commission to complete a study and making an appropriation.03/09/2023Fiscal Notes : 08/07/2023
SB23-191 Colorado Department Of Public Health And Environment Organics Diversion Study Senate:
L. Cutter (D)
J. Joseph (D)
Governor Signed: 05/17/2023cConcerning a study regarding diversion of organic materials from landfills.03/16/2023Fiscal Notes : 06/27/2023
SB23-192 Sunset Pesticide Applicators' Act Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
Governor Signed: 06/05/2023bConcerning the continuation of the "Pesticide Applicators' Act", and, in connection therewith, implementing recommendations contained in the 2022 sunset report by the department of regulatory agencies regarding the act, and making an appropriation.03/16/2023Fiscal Notes : 07/10/2023
SB23-201 Mineral Resources Property Owners' Rights Senate:
S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
A. Boesenecker (D)
Senate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely: 04/20/2023eConcerning protections for property owners in the pooling of oil and gas minerals on multiple separately owned tracts.03/20/2023Fiscal Notes : 07/25/2023
SB23-213 Land Use Senate:

S. Woodrow (D)
I. Jodeh (D)
Senate Considered House Amendments - Result was to Laid Over Daily: 05/06/2023cConcerning state land use requirements, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.03/22/2023Fiscal Notes : 08/10/2023
SB23-214 2023-24 Long Bill Senate:

S. Bird (D)
Governor Signed: 05/01/2023bConcerning the provision for payment of the expenses of the executive, legislative, and judicial departments of the state of Colorado, and of its agencies and institutions, for and during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, except as otherwise noted.03/27/2023 
SB23-237 Transfer To Water Plan Implementation Cash Fund Senate:
J. Bridges (D)
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
S. Bird (D)
Governor Signed: 04/20/2023cConcerning a transfer from the severance tax operational fund to the water plan implementation cash fund.03/24/2023Fiscal Notes : 06/22/2023
SB23-238 Small Communities Water and Wastewater Grant Fund Senate:
B. Kirkmeyer (R)
E. Sirota (D)
Governor Signed: 04/25/2023cConcerning authorization to use money in the small communities water and wastewater grant fund to provide the state funds for water projects for which a state match is required to qualify for federal funds for the projects.03/24/2023Fiscal Notes : 06/07/2023
SB23-255 Wolf Depredation Compensation Fund Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
P. Will (R)
J. McCluskie (D)
Governor Signed: 05/23/2023cConcerning the provision of compensation to people who suffer damages because of gray wolf depredation, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing appropriations.03/27/2023Fiscal Notes : 08/03/2023
SB23-256 Management Of Gray Wolves Reintroduction Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
P. Will (R)
M. Soper (R)
M. Lukens (D)
Governor Vetoed: 05/16/2023cConcerning prerequisites to the management of gray wolves prior to the wolves being reintroduced.03/27/2023Fiscal Notes : 07/05/2023
SB23-262 Water Desalination Study And Report Senate:
K. Mullica (D)
N. Ricks (D)
M. Soper (R)
House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed: 05/11/2023cConcerning requiring the Colorado water conservation board to study the feasibility of water desalination as a potential contributing solution to the crisis of water scarcity in the Colorado river basin, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.04/03/2023Fiscal Notes : 06/06/2023
SB23-266 Neonic Pesticides As Limited-use Pesticides Senate:
S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
K. Brown (D)
Governor Signed: 05/17/2023cConcerning a requirement that the commissioner of agriculture designate neonicotinoid pesticides as limited-use pesticides.04/04/2023Fiscal Notes : 06/29/2023
SB23-270 Projects To Restore Natural Stream Systems Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
C. Simpson (R)
K. McCormick (D)
Governor Signed: 06/05/2023cConcerning activities that restore the environmental health of natural stream systems without administration.04/05/2023Fiscal Notes : 08/03/2023
SB23-274 Water Quality Control Fee-setting By Rule Senate:
F. Winter (D)
W. Lindstedt (D)
Governor Signed: 05/17/2023cConcerning water quality regulation in the state, and, in connection therewith, transferring fee-setting authority to the water quality control commission and modifying the membership of the commission.04/11/2023Fiscal Notes : 06/27/2023
SB23-275 Colorado Wild Horse Project Senate:
P. Will (R)
M. Duran (D)
Governor Signed: 05/20/2023cConcerning managing wild horses, and, in connection therewith, authorizing the creation of an entity to support management of wild horse herds in Colorado, seeking long-term solutions for horses removed from the wild range, and making an appropriation.04/11/2023Fiscal Notes : 08/04/2023
SB23-285 Energy And Carbon Management Regulation In Colorado Senate:
C. Hansen (D)
K. McCormick (D)
Governor Signed: 05/22/2023cConcerning energy and carbon management regulation in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, changing the name of the oil and gas conservation commission to the energy and carbon management commission, broadening the commission's regulatory authority to include the regulation of certain geothermal resource operations and intrastate underground natural gas storage facilities, and making an appropriation.04/17/2023Fiscal Notes : 06/29/2023
SB23-295 Colorado River Drought Task Force Senate:
D. Roberts (D)
P. Will (R)
J. McCluskie (D)
Governor Signed: 05/20/2023cConcerning the creation of the Colorado river drought task force, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.04/20/2023Fiscal Notes : 08/04/2023
SB23-303 Reduce Property Taxes And Voter-approved Revenue Change Senate:
C. Hansen (D)
Governor Signed: 05/24/2023cConcerning a reduction in property taxes, and, in connection therewith, creating a limit on annual property tax increases for certain local governments; temporarily reducing the valuation for assessment of certain residential and nonresidential property; creating new subclasses of property; permitting the state to retain and spend revenue up to the proposition HH cap; requiring the retained revenue to be used to reimburse certain local governments for lost property tax revenue and to be deposited in the state education fund to backfill the reduction in school district property tax revenue; transferring general fund money to the state public school fund and to a cash fund to also be used for the reimbursements; eliminating the cap on the amount of excess state revenues that may be used for the reimbursements for the 2023 property tax year; referring a ballot issue; and making an appropriation.05/01/2023Fiscal Notes : 08/08/2023
SB23-304 Property Tax Valuation Senate:
C. Hansen (D)
S. Bird (D)
Governor Signed: 05/24/2023cConcerning changes to property tax valuation practices, and, in connection therewith, requiring property tax assessors to consider certain information when valuing real property, requiring certain counties use an alternative protest and appeal procedure in any year of general reassessment of real property that is valued biennially, and clarifying that data that a property tax assessor is required to provide at the request of a taxpayer must include certain information.05/01/2023Fiscal Notes : 07/17/2023
SB23-305 Property Tax Task Force Senate:
B. Pelton (R)
R. Pugliese (R)
Senate Committee on Finance Postpone Indefinitely: 05/04/2023cConcerning the creation of the property tax task force.05/03/2023Fiscal Notes : 05/15/2023
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