
Lobbyist Filings for Bill: HB25-1039

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Title Commercial Vehicle Muffler Requirements
Bill Status House Committee on Transportation, Housing & Local Government Refer Amended to Appropriations
Vote Link House and Senate Votes

Note: Lobbying content is updated nightly.

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  Row # Lobbyist Name (link goes to SOS site) Client Name (link goes to SOS site) Position Start Date End Date
back to top 1 Colorado Advocates, Inc. AAA Colorado Auto Club Group Monitoring 02/01/2025 Current
back to top 2 Colorado Municipal League COLORADO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE Supporting 01/27/2025 Current
back to top 3 MacKillop, Meghan City of Centennial Supporting 01/30/2025 Current
back to top 4 Bowditch & Cassell Public Affairs City of Fort Collins Supporting 02/04/2025 Current
back to top 5 Bowditch, Edward R City of Fort Collins Supporting 02/04/2025 Current
back to top 6 Cassell, Jennifer M City of Fort Collins Supporting 02/04/2025 Current
back to top 7 Mutch Government Relations City of Fountain Monitoring 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 8 Mutch Government Relations City of Woodland Park Monitoring 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 9 Gold Dome Access, LLC Colorado Advocates, Inc Monitoring 02/28/2025 Current
back to top 10 King, Tari Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police Supporting 02/11/2025 Current
back to top 11 Swift Strategies LLC Colorado Association of Realtors Monitoring 02/18/2025 Current
back to top 12 Davis, Sami Jo Colorado Motor Carrier Association Supporting 01/14/2025 Current
back to top 13 Sewald Hanfling Public Affairs Colorado Motor Carrier Association Supporting 01/14/2025 Current
back to top 14 Sewald, R.D. Colorado Motor Carrier Association Supporting 01/27/2025 Current
back to top 15 Stables, Beverly Colorado Municipal League Supporting 01/27/2025 Current
back to top 16 MARCHUN, MARY E Colorado Rural Electric Association Monitoring 01/17/2025 Current
back to top 17 The Capstone Group, LLC Colorado Rural Electric Association Monitoring 01/17/2025 Current
back to top 18 Ward, Taylor Blake Colorado Rural Electric Association Monitoring 01/17/2025 Current
back to top 19 Skewes Government Affairs, LLC Colorado State Patrol Association Monitoring 01/15/2025 Current
back to top 20 Bailey, Grier Colorado Wyoming Petroleum Marketers Association Supporting 01/30/2025 Current
back to top 21 Hicks & Associates Colorado Wyoming Petroleum Marketers Supporting 02/10/2025 Current
back to top 22 Kyle, MPA, CAE, Henry C Golden Gate Manor Transportation Monitoring 01/12/2025 Current
back to top 23 Cook, Mariah Catherine Hispanic Contractors Colorado Monitoring 01/27/2025 Current
back to top 24 Sewald Hanfling Public Affairs Hispanic Contractors Colorado Monitoring 01/27/2025 Current
back to top 25 Sewald, R.D. Hispanic Contractors Colorado Monitoring 01/27/2025 Current
back to top 26 Hogan, Mary K King Soopers Monitoring 01/23/2025 Current
back to top 27 G BERRY CORP MESA COUNTY GOVERNMENT Monitoring 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 28 Davis, Sami Jo National Utility Contractors Association Supporting 01/31/2025 Current
back to top 29 Sewald Hanfling Public Affairs National Utility Contractors Association Supporting 02/05/2025 Current
back to top 30 Raemdonck, Dieter Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association Monitoring 01/22/2025 Current
back to top 31 Recht Kornfeld, P.C. Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association Monitoring 01/22/2025 Current
back to top 32 Rogers, Thomas M Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association Monitoring 01/22/2025 Current
back to top 33 Sabados, David Philip Regional Air Quality Council Monitoring 01/31/2025 Current
back to top 34 Burkhart, Amber Janelle Tesla Motors Amending 01/24/2025 Current
back to top 35 COYNE, WILLIAM C Tesla Motors Amending 01/24/2025 Current
back to top 36 EICHBERG, ADAM Tesla Motors Amending 01/24/2025 Current
back to top 37 Headwaters Strategies Tesla Motors Amending 01/24/2025 Current
back to top 38 Schmidt, Alyson Tesla Motors Amending 01/24/2025 Current
back to top 39 McKinley, John Skyler The Auto Club Group- AAA Colorado Monitoring 01/28/2025 Current
back to top 40 Tanner, Cassie The Auto Club Group- AAA Colorado Monitoring 01/15/2025 Current
back to top 41 BALCEROVICH, STEVE Town of Firestone Supporting 01/22/2025 Current
back to top 42 Coleman Legislative Advocacy LLC Town of Firestone Supporting 01/22/2025 Current
back to top 43 Mutch Government Relations Town of Monument Monitoring 02/07/2025 Current
back to top 44 Mutch Government Relations Town of Parker Supporting 01/28/2025 Current
back to top 45 Gold Dome Access, LLC Toyota Motors North America, Inc Monitoring 01/20/2025 Current
back to top 46 Hogan, Mary K Waste Management Monitoring 01/23/2025 Current
back to top 47 Capitol Solutions/Sandra Hagen Solin Weld County Opposing 02/01/2025 Current
back to top 48 Nathlich, Brandon Colorado Department of Public Safety n/a 01/01/2025 02/28/2025
back to top 49 Reed, James W Colorado Department of Revenue n/a 01/01/2025 02/28/2025
back to top 50 Haddaway, Emily Forshay Colorado Department of Transportation n/a 01/01/2025 02/28/2025
back to top 51 King, Tari Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police Monitoring 01/21/2025 02/11/2025

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