
Lobbyist Filings for Bill: HB21-1284

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Title Limit Fee Install Active Solar Energy System
Bill Status Governor Signed
Vote Link House and Senate Votes

Note: Lobbying content is updated nightly.

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  Row # Lobbyist Name (link goes to SOS site) Client Name (link goes to SOS site) Position Start Date End Date
back to top 1 Twigg, George Boulder County Monitoring 04/26/2021 07/16/2021
back to top 2 ORF, Dianna ASSOCIATED GOVERNMENTS OF NORTHWEST COLORADO (AGNC) Opposing 04/29/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 3 Cook, Mariah Catherine Adams County Regional Economic Partnership Monitoring 05/10/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 4 BRANDEBERRY MCKENNA PUBLIC AFFAIRS Advanced Energy Economy Supporting 05/04/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 5 Wagner, Megan Advanced Energy Economy Supporting 05/04/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 6 Olson, Emilie Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) Monitoring 04/21/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 7 Orf & Orf PC Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado Opposing 04/29/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 8 Orf, Richard Benedict Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado Opposing 04/29/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 9 Capitol Success Group Blackhills Energy Monitoring 04/22/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 10 Swift Strategies LLC CAR (JLH Consulting & Public Affairs) Monitoring 05/10/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 11 5280 Strategies CITY OF BLACK HAWK Monitoring 04/22/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 12 FEELEY, MICHAEL CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS Monitoring 04/23/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 13 KUIPERS, MELISSA L CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS Monitoring 04/23/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 14 Mercer, Sarah CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS Monitoring 04/23/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 15 Axiom Strategies Inc dba Axiom Politics COLO SKI COUNTRY USA Supporting 05/05/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 16 HACKENBERGER, MICKI M COLORADFO SKI COUNTRY USA Supporting 05/05/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 17 GOFF, ERIN E COLORADO SKI COUNTRY USA Supporting 05/05/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 18 Meeks, Jia City of Colorado Springs Monitoring 04/23/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 19 Cray, Kevin Coalition for Community Solar Access Supporting 04/30/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 20 Votoupal Government Affairs LLC Coalition for Community Solar Action Supporting 04/22/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 21 Peetz, Elizabeth A Colorado Association of Realtors Monitoring 05/07/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 22 Peetz, Elizabeth A Colorado Association of Realtors Monitoring 05/07/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 23 Votoupal Government Affairs LLC Colorado Cleantech Industry Association Supporting 04/22/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 24 Political Advocacy, Inc Colorado Communities for Climate Action Monitoring 05/03/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 25 Schultz Public Affairs, LLC Colorado Communities for Climate Action: CC4CA Monitoring 05/05/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 26 LaBriola, Lisa Colorado Ski Country Supporting 05/05/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 27 Mohamed, Tamara Colorado Ski Country Supporting 05/05/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 28 Linsmayer, Chris H Colorado Ski Country USA Supporting 04/22/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 29 Weaver Strategies, LLC Colorado Solar & Storage Association Supporting 04/28/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 30 5280 Strategies EL PASO COUNTY Monitoring 04/22/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 31 Cook, Mariah Catherine Hispanic Contractors Colorado Monitoring 05/10/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 32 Cook, Mariah Catherine Hispanic Contractors Colorado Monitoring 05/10/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 33 Hicks & Associates Independent Electrical Contractors Rocky Mountian Monitoring 05/05/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 34 OnTheBallot Consulting Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservancy District Monitoring 04/26/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 35 Morse Public Affairs LLC Political Advocacy, Inc. Monitoring 05/05/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 36 OnTheBallot Consulting Solar United Neighbors Supporting 04/26/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 37 Peak Government Affairs LTD. Solar United Neighbors Supporting 05/18/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 38 COYNE, WILLIAM C Tesla Motors Supporting 05/13/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 39 EICHBERG, ADAM Tesla Motors Supporting 05/13/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 40 Headwaters Strategies Tesla Motors Supporting 05/13/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 41 Schmidt, Alyson Tesla Motors Supporting 05/13/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 42 REES CONSULTING AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS UNITED POWER INC Monitoring 05/02/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 43 5280 Strategies XCEL ENERGY Monitoring 04/22/2021 06/30/2021
back to top 44 McCarthy, Danny Colorado Sierra Club Supporting 04/23/2021 06/24/2021
back to top 45 Mendez, Barkis and Associates Colorado Sierra Club Supporting 04/23/2021 06/24/2021
back to top 46 ROMBERG, GREG ARAPAHOE COUNTY Opposing 05/03/2021 06/15/2021
back to top 47 Rosendahl, Christina Black Hills Corp Monitoring 04/22/2021 06/10/2021
back to top 48 Colorado Municipal League COLORADO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE Opposing 05/05/2021 06/08/2021
back to top 49 HODGES, DANIEL S. COLORADO SPRINGS UTILITIES Monitoring 05/10/2021 06/08/2021
back to top 50 MacKillop, Meghan Colorado Municipal League Opposing 05/05/2021 06/08/2021
back to top 51 PINGENOT, MARGINA D COLORADO COUNTIES, INC Monitoring 05/01/2021 05/31/2021
back to top 52 PINGENOT, MARGINA D COLORADO COUNTIES, INC Monitoring 04/01/2021 04/30/2021

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