The proposed legislation, Senate Bill 25-030, aims to enhance transportation mode choices in Colorado to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve mobility. The bill outlines a structured approach involving assessments, target setting, and implementation plans.
Key Provisions:
Statewide Mode Choice Assessment:
Deadline: By October 31, 2025
Responsible Entity: Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)
Recipients: Transportation Legislation Review Committee, Transportation Commission, Colorado Energy Office
Content: Recommendations for mode choice targets for the years 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045, and 2050
Rule Adoption for Mode Choice Targets:
Deadline: By June 1, 2026
Responsible Entity: CDOT
Criteria Considered:
Current mode share
Population and job density
Current and projected population and job growth
Transit propensity
Other relevant factors
Regular Reporting and Reassessment:
Report Deadline: By October 31, 2026, and every three years thereafter
Responsible Entities: CDOT in coordination with Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)
Content: Progress analysis and implementation plans for mode choice targets
Reassessment: CDOT to reassess mode choice targets before each statewide plan development cycle
Mode Choice Implementation Plans:
Deadline: By December 31, 2026, and every five years thereafter
Responsible Entities: CDOT, MPOs, transit providers serving populations of 100,000 or more, and local governments with populations of 25,000 or more
Policies and programs to achieve mode choice targets
Multimodal transportation gaps summary
Projected greenhouse gas emissions analysis
Funding Provisions:
The Nonattainment Area Air Pollution Mitigation Enterprise may award grants for developing mode choice implementation plans
The Multimodal Transportation Options Fund can be utilized for the same purpose
This comprehensive framework is designed to promote sustainable transportation options, reduce emissions, and enhance mobility across Colorado.
Transportation Legislation Review Committee. The bill
requires the department of transportation (department), no later than October 31, 2025, to present a statewide mode choice assessment to the transportation legislation review committee, the transportation commission, and the Colorado energy office, which assessment must include recommendations for targets for 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045, and 2050 for the department, metropolitan planning organizations, and transit providers that provide public transit to a population of 100,000 individuals or more (subject transit provider) for the share of total trips within a specified geographic area completed using certain transportation methods (mode choice targets).
No later than June 1, 2026, using certain criteria, the department
must adopt rules establishing mode choice targets. The department must reassess the mode choice targets before each statewide plan development cycle.
No later than October 31, 2026, and every 3 years thereafter, the
department, in coordination with the metropolitan planning organizations, must present a report to the transportation legislation review committee that provides certain information about the mode choice targets and the entities' plans to implement the mode choice targets (mode choice implementation plans).
No later than December 31, 2026, and every 5 years thereafter, the
department, metropolitan planning organizations, subject transit providers, and local governments with a population of 25,000 individuals or more must each prepare a mode choice implementation plan, which must include certain information about the mode choice targets, a multimodal transportation gaps summary, and an analysis of certain projected greenhouse gas emissions.
The bill also allows:
The nonattainment area air pollution mitigation enterprise to award grants for the development of mode choice implementation plans; and
The multimodal transportation options fund to be used for the development of mode choice implementation plans.