The bill changes the name of the Underfunded Courthouse Facility Cash Fund Commission (commission) and the underfunded courthouse facility cash fund, expanding the commission’s responsibilities to include jails in addition to court facilities.
The commission’s expanded responsibilities include:
Evaluating grant applications and issuing grants to counties for underfunded court and jail facilities
Providing grants for master planning services, matching funds, leveraging grant funding opportunities, and addressing emergency needs due to imminent closure of court or jail facilities
The bill also allows grants to cover:
Up to 50% of a county’s annual voter-approved debt service for financing the construction or remodeling of court or jail facilities
Legislative Oversight Committee Concerning Colorado Jail Standards. Current law tasks the underfunded courthouse facility cash fund commission (commission) to evaluate grant applications and issue grants to counties for underfunded courthouse facilities through master planning services, matching funds or leveraging grant funding opportunities, or for addressing emergency needs due to the imminent closure of a court facility. The bill changes the name of the commission and the underfunded courthouse facility cash fund and expands the responsibilities of the commission to include jails in addition to court facilities. Additionally, the bill allows grants to be issued for up to 50% of a county's annual voter-approved debt service on any county-approved financing of the construction or remodeling costs of a court or jail facility.