The bill requires the energy and carbon management commission
in the department of natural resources, at the request of a local government or tribal government, to provide technical support concerning:
The development of local codes governing wind, solar, energy storage, and energy transmission projects (renewable energy projects); or
The review of proposed renewable energy projects.
For all renewable energy projects, at the request of an owner or
operator of a renewable energy facility (facility owner), local government, or tribal government, the division of parks and wildlife shall provide the facility owner, local government, or tribal government a set of best management practices for renewable energy projects. The best management practices may be incorporated into project plans at the discretion of the facility owner, local government, or tribal government. The division shall also identify project-specific habitat impacts and high-priority habitats based on the best available science.
The bill requires the Colorado energy office, in cooperation with
the department of local affairs and the department of natural resources, to develop a repository of model codes and ordinances for renewable energy projects for the purpose of providing conceptual frameworks that local governments and tribal governments may consider and adapt to suit local circumstances and address local energy resources. On or before September 30, 2025, the Colorado energy office must submit to the general assembly a report that evaluates local government processes to determine whether reasonable pathways for renewable energy siting exist in areas with suitable wind and solar resources.