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Legislative Year: 2024 Change

Bill Detail: SB24-100

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Title Commercial Vehicle Highway Safety Measures
Status Governor Signed (05/20/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Transportation & Motor Vehicles
House Sponsors E. Velasco (D)
R. Taggart (R)
Senate Sponsors D. Roberts (D)
P. Will (R)
House Committee Transportation, Housing and Local Government
Senate Committee Transportation and Energy
Date Introduced 01/24/2024
AI Summary

Current law allows the department of transportation (department)
to issue closures or require certain equipment on interstate 70 (I-70) from
September 1 through May 31 each year between milepost 133 in Dotsero
and milepost 259 in Morrison.
Section 1 of the bill changes the geographic location where the
department has authority to require certain equipment to interstate 25
(I-25) and any interstate, U.S. highway, and state highway west of I-25.
Section 2 allows the department to establish heightened speed
limit enforcement zones (zone) within public highways in Glenwood
Canyon on I-70 eastbound from milepost 116.0 to milepost 131.0 and
westbound from milepost 118.5 to milepost 131.0 where there are safety
concerns related to commercial motor vehicle drivers exceeding the
posted speed limits. If the department establishes a zone, the department
must erect signs identifying the zone and notifying commercial motor
vehicle drivers that increased fines are assessed for speeding in the zone.
Section 3 makes it a traffic offense for any commercial vehicle to
be driving in the farthest left lane on I-70 between milepost 116 in
Glenwood Springs and milepost 259 in Morrison during all conditions on
that highway except to safely pass a vehicle driving under the posted
speed limit.
Section 4 subjects a commercial motor vehicle driver who
commits a speeding violation in a zone to double fines and surcharges.
Section 5 ensures that a port of entry officer has all the powers of
a peace officer when enforcing highway closures and the state's winter
traction device law.
Section 6 requires the freight mobility and safety branch of the
department to study the feasibility of funding additional locations of
chain-up stations utilizing the money from the increased penalties in
zones within public highways in Glenwood Canyon.
Section 7 allows the study on feasibility of new chain-up stations
to also be funded by the fuels impact reduction grant program.

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