
Bill Detail: HB24-1016

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Title Defined Personnel for Emergency Telephone Services
Status Governor Signed (03/15/2024)
Bill Subjects
  • Telecommunications & Information Technology
House Sponsors R. Armagost (R)
S. Lieder (D)
Senate Sponsors K. Van Winkle (R)
C. Kolker (D)
House Committee Transportation, Housing and Local Government
Senate Committee Local Government and Housing
Date Introduced 01/10/2024

The bill defines emergency communications specialist as a first
responder whose duties involve emergency and nonemergency dispatch
services. The bill also clarifies that the currently authorized use of the
emergency telephone charge, the 911 surcharge, and the prepaid wireless
911 charge, for training for public safety answering point (PSAP)
personnel includes training for emergency communications specialists,
technical support PSAP personnel, and other personnel essential for the
provision of emergency telephone services, emergency notification
services, and emergency medical dispatch.

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