
Bill Detail: HB22-1157

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Title Utilization Of Demographic Data By Colorado Department Public Health And Environment
Status Governor Signed (06/02/2022)
Bill Subjects
  • Public Health
House Sponsors B. Titone (D)
K. McCormick (D)
Senate Sponsors S. Jaquez Lewis (D)
House Committee Public and Behavioral Health & Human Services
Senate Committee Health and Human Services
Date Introduced 02/04/2022
AI Summary

The bill requires the department of public health and environment
(department), as part of its duty to disseminate public health information,
  • Collect public health information from data sources and
data provided to the department, including information

concerning race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation,
and gender identity; and
  • Provide direction and technical assistance relating to public
health information.
The bill does not require a person to provide demographic
information concerning race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, or
gender identity.
The bill requires the state board of health (board) to promulgate
rules, which apply to all public health agencies, health officers, and other
persons required to collect and report data, concerning the requirements
for collecting data, and the manner and time frame for reporting and
disaggregating data in compliance with health data privacy laws.
For required health equity commission (commission) reports that
do not include complete demographic information, the bill requires state
agencies that are represented on the commission to submit a supplemental
report to address the social determinants of health and the strategies used
to address health disparities and inequities based on race, ethnicity,
disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
To assist with the department's assessment of health disparities and
inequities, the bill requires the commission to convene a data advisory
working group (working group) to advise the commission relating to
collecting and aggregating nonidentifying demographic data and
information from Colorado residents about race, ethnicity, disability,
sexual orientation, and gender identity as part of public health programs
and from information acquired by or submitted to the department. The bill
includes the selection of members for the working group.

Committee Reports
with Amendments
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Full Text of Bill (pdf) (most recent)
Fiscal Notes Fiscal Notes (04/08/2022) (most recent)  
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